Lost Boy From Your Past (Part 4)

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"So? Can you help me find him or not?" You sighed clenching the counter.

"So, let me get this straight...dearie. You found him, traveled aaaaaaall the way here, and then proceed to lose him. Again. Did you consider, perhaps, he doesn't want to be found?" Gold sighed as well.

"That wasn't an answer," you growled.

"Well, I don't think you're in the position to be making any deals. You don't have anything that I want," he replied as he walked to the back of his shop.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" you screamed, but he didn't come back. You rolled your eyes and headed back to your room.

You plopped right onto your bed and stared at the ceiling. Where could Peter be? Maybe someone took him? With determination filling your eyes, you got back up on your feet to go look for him. You tried the forest, the dock, and you even went door to door to see if anyone was keeping him hostage or something like that. But to no avail, you couldn't find him. Night came, but you kept searching, praying that he would somehow wind up somewhere even though you had covered the whole ground.

You found yourself circling the trees of the forest for what felt like the hundredth time. A twig snapped and something scurried up a tree right as you whipped around. A voice came from the tree you found yourself staring at, "What're you doing, lassie?"

"Oh, just wandering around with my forest buddies at night, picking flowers," you giggled sarcastically, "......WHAT THE HELL DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING?!?! I'm trying to find someone!"

"You've got fire. I like fire," the voice, which you assumed came from a boy, jumped down after speaking.

"Well why don't you go hug a burning tree then! I'm sure it would just love to eat you up," you rolled your eyes.

"That was a terrible comeback," the boy started laughing.

"Well, I'm sorry. I'm a little pre-occupied right now," you sighed and faced the boy, "PETER?!?! WHAT THE HELL?!?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!"

Pan smirked, "Peter's not home right now."

Eyes widening, you slowly took a step back, "Peter...what're you talking about? You're scaring me."

"Didn't you know? Cheaters never win," he gradually got closer and closer to you.

"I want to talk to Peter," you whimpered.

"It's dark now and Peter's not home. Come on. Let's play a game...a really fun game," Pan grabbed you by your scared arm. You yanked your arm out of his grasp and ran as fast as you possibly could. 'Not again,' you thought.

Your vision went black and you woke up in your bed next to Peter. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" you gasped. Your voice was so loud that he fell off the bed with a big thump.


"Huh? Peter?" you immediately jumped out of bed and straddled him, griping his collar harshly.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Peter rubbed your arms while you kept him pinned down.

You got off him and rolled up your sleeve. The words that were carved into your arm were gone. Shocked, you stumbled back onto your bed. "Mmf...I guess so," you nodded.

Peter got up and held you tightly, "I might not have any powers like you do, but I promise I will always protect you."

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