Peter Pan |4| - Maddie Grace

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Peter Pan |4|

He smiled and kissed your nose, "we have to get out of here. Climb through the window and on to the edge."

You did exactly what he said and he followed.

"Now hold on," he grabbed your hand and jumped off the railing. As he did so, he uncapped a vial with pixie dust in it. Before you knew it, you were flying.

"I can fly!" You exclaim.

"Yep, you just have to believe!" He replied.

"I definitely DO believe!" You're amazed. He guides you to a clump of trees and sets you down gently.

"What happened exactly?" He asked.

"Well, I was making a flower wreath, and Hook came out from the trees behind me. He started talking to me, and then took me to the Jolly Roger. He said that with me, he can escape from the island and not have to worry about you coming after him." You sigh.

"I still would have come after him. Just to save you though. He definitely will pay for this!" He clenched his fists.

"It's okay Peter, I don't hold a grudge against him. Besides, if you get revenge, he might try to kill me," you purse your lips and rub his arm.

He cocked his head and whispered, "then maybe I'll have to kill him first."

"Don't do that." You bend forward and kiss him. He kisses you back and sighs, "I'll not, but only for you. If he EVER even touches a hair on your head. He's... dead..."

"Okay," you shake your head, "what do we do now?"

"I'll take you back to camp, then we can have a huge dinner to celebrate your return," he puts his arm on your shoulder.

"Sounds good to me! I'm starving anyway! Hook's food wasn't very tasty," you cringe.

Pan laughs his adorable and contagious laugh, "pirate food isn't usually appetizing. But my food, to DIE for."

You start laughing with him, "I almost threw up. Haha, I'm not sure I want to die just to eat it, maybe get injured." You arrive back at camp and all the lost boys cheer. You blush and smile.

"Come on boys! Let's make some food for our lost girl who's now found!" He kissed your cheek. All the boys gathered around the fire and started cooking. You sat back and watched them in a daze. Your head was spinning and your leg hurt with excruciating pain. When you looked down, a huge gash ran from the top of your knee, to the middle of your thigh. You remember falling on shards of glass in Hook's cabin. You didn't want to bother Peter with it, but it was REALLY starting to hurt.

Pretty soon the food was finished cooking, "finally! I thought I'd die of hunger everything smells so good," you smile.

"See, told you!" Pan's arms snaked around your waist and pulled you up to him. You wince as you put weight on your injury.

He notices and looks at you with concern laced in his eyes, "what's wrong?"

"I fell on some glass in Hook's cabin and it gashed my leg." You show him the wound and he purses his lips.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? I need to take care of this before it gets any worse." You lean on him and he walks you back to his room.

Hey guys! Hope you guys like this! Comment and like, if you want!
- Madelaine

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