Lost Boy From Your Past (Part 2)

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(A/N) sorry this took forever, hope ya'll still enjoy it!

After arriving at the office, they placed you in an investigation room. Rumple and Snow watched from behind the screen, Emma sat across the table from you, and Charming stood in a corner simply staring.

"State your name and age from the record," Emma started recording.

"My name is (y/n) (y/l/n) and I'm (y/a) years old," you nodded.

"Why are you here and where are you from?" She sighed.

"I'm from (home town). My foster mom got me to the Enchanted Forest to go look for Peter, but I had no success. I went home, she took me in, and when we got word that you all lost your boy I thought maybe Peter was with him as well. Immediately, I packed my bags, headed here, and you guys know the rest," you smiled.

"Well, why didn't you tell us you have powers? Why keep it from us?" Charming chimed in.

"I didn't know if I could really trust you guys. I don't have much experience with people like me...people who have powers, so I decided it was best to leave that alone till necessary," you shrugged.

This went on for a while. Question after question, you tried your best to answer, but your thoughts were over flown with Peter Pan. The adventures you went on as kids. The many times you kept each other going. When he first told you he liked you....

Meanwhile, Peter sat awkwardly at Granny's waiting for them to let you go.

(le time skip brought you by me not wanting to write the boring part)

"I'm so glad they let you go," Peter shyly kissed your cheek.

"Me too...I'm happier that I got you back. I can't believe you're here, Peter. You ARE here, aren't you?" You blushed, but got a sudden rush of fear.

"Yes, I am...you've grown since I saw you last, (y/n)," he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"Yeah, so have you," you giggled as the clock struck 6:30pm. Something in the atmosphere changed and had a heavier feel to it. Not thinking much of it, you shrugged it off, "I'm going to use the restroom. I'll be right back."

Currently looking down at the table you two sat at in Granny's diner, Peter looked up with a hot smirk plastered on his face, "ok, don't be too long."

You ran off to the bathroom, while Peter sat alone with his thoughts...or so it seemed.

"Nice work...to be honest I didn't think you had it in you. Considering how much of a whimp you usually are." Peter's voice became sharper, but seemed to go in and out from a soft tone to a more lethal sound.

"It's not night yet," he spoke as if replying to himself. Right then, the top of his head started to burn. The heat started to grow and gradually moving all the way to the tip of his toes. Sweat dripped from down his neck as he grabbed his seat and clenched the pain. Violently, his head whipped to the window on his left where he saw his reflection, but something wasn't right with it. His reflection was wearing the same thing he wore in Neverland, while Malcolm still had control over his body.

"Oh, but it is. Look outside...it's dark now." His reflection smirked, while bumps rose on his arms and legs.

"Please, no...SHE's here. (Y/N)'s here...I-I," Peter quivered and stuttered.

"It's my time, laddie," his body shook and his whole body emitted a green light, "Glad you could make the show. You can have it back in the morning...now...let's play!"

Peter Pan gasped as the light shined no longer and the pain left his body. He tried his best to open his eyes and move his limbs, but all he saw was darkness. His whole body felt numb. "Not again," he thought as your voice was the last thing he heard till he awoke next to you in the morning. Your body pressed tightly against his, but your face had a huge red cut across it that was not there the morning before.

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