Lost Boy From Your Past (Part 3)

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"Love? Wake up. Please, wake up," Peter kissed her forehead, nose, and both of your cheeks.

"hmmm??? 15 more minutes, Mom," you whined and snuggled closer to him.

Peter smiled and was relieved to know that you were fine, so he waited until you were more awake to ask you about last night. About 4 hours passed, so Peter tried waking you up again.

"mmf, what's you want boy?" you spoke with your face buried in your pillow and your bed hair very evident.

"I just wanted to know what happened last night and why you have a scratch on your face?" He kissed the back of your neck making you giggle.

"You don't remember? You said you wanted to go play in the woods, so we ran around and played games. I tripped over a stupid fallen tree and scraped my face up pretty bad, so you took me inside. Then..." you paused, remembering what Pan had did to you.

"Then???" he insisted.

"Well, you remember...don't you?" you half sniffled, but composed yourself and turned around. You rolled up your sleeve and Peter gasped. Your arm had "Belongs to Pan" carved into it. It was still a little bloody because of how deep the cut was. You sniffled again and Peter winced.

"I....I am so sorry, my love," he started to tear up, "did I do that?"

You paused again, "mmhm." You sadly nodded and stared at the ceiling not wanting to make eye contact. "I know you said not to talk about it...but did something happen when I went to the restroom?"

Peter sighed and opened his mouth to talk, but he disappeared. You eyes went wide and you immediately went to Gold's shop for some answers. You figured if anyone would know what was going on it would be Rumpelstiltskin.

(A/N) I know! I know! It's terrible, but it's something...and I'll try to have more tomorrow. But come on, I just did two updates for ya'll! Love ya<3

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