Your Powers Are Stronger (Part 3)

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Peter Pan imagine (Part 3)
Your Powers Are Stronger Than His

"How did it go, Neal?" You laid down on your bed, reminiscing at what just happened. "It's good. He knows the plan. Are you SURE it'll work??" Neal sat down next to you. "Are YOU testing me?? I broke you out of Peter Pan's cage in an Eco Cave without having to spill all of my darkest secrets." You raised your eyebrow at him. "You know, if you didn't..." He started, resulting in him getting a fire ball thrown at him.

"If you even THINK about that ONE MORE TIME!!!! I won't take you with me to visit Emma!!!" You smirked, then stuck your tongue out in his direction. He grumbled in defeat and you happily skipped on your way. "Where are YOU going all happily?!?!?" Neal got up and ran after you. "I'm gonna go visit Emma!!! She just landed!!" You kept and skipping, while Neal tried to keep up.

"Pan already knows we're here. It's time we stop running. Gold was right. This land runs on belief. All of us were too busy beating at each other's throats to be believers," Emma told the group, still catching her breath, "I was as wrong as anyone else. It's time for all of us to believe, not in magic...but in each other." "You wanna be friends?" Regina sassed, "after everything that's happened between all of us." "I don't want or respect that. I know there is a lot of history here and a lot of hate." Emma stopped her. "Actually I quite fancy you from time to time when you're not yelling at me." Hook smirked. "We don't need to be friends. What we need to know is the only way to get Henry is corporation." Emma ignored his remark, rolling her eyes.

"With her! With him!" David, Charming, pointed to Regina then Hook, "No Emma, we need to do this the RIGHT way." "No! We don't! We just need to succeed! The way we do that is just by being who we are!! A hero! A villain! A pirate! It doesn't matter which, because we're gonna need all of those skills whether we can stomach it or not." Emma argued.

"And what is your...skill, Savior?" Regina quirked her head to the side. "I'm a mother. And now I'm also your leader. So either help me get my son back or get out of my way!" Emma yelled. Right when she was about to walk away, Hook spoke up, "While we're at it, could we pick up my niece on the way? She's kind of the reason I came here."

"YOU have a niece??" Regina chuckled. "Yes, I have a niece. Why is that so funny?" Hook said in all seriousness. "Well you don't strike us as one to have any family connections." David reasoned. "Well she's not necessarily MY niece...she's Regina's daughter." Hook whispered the last part, so nobody heard. They laughed until you came into view with Neal.

"I honestly don't understand what's so funny about my existence!!" You strut in like you didn't have a care in the world. "Neal?" Emma gasped. "Emma!!" Neal ran and hugged her tight. "Hello, love!" Hook put on a smile, "how long have you been standing there?" "Heeey...mmmm, since Emma said, 'Pan already knows we're here.'" You smiled. "Ruining my love life are we?" Hook sneered in a whisper. "Always my pleasure," you whispered back before addressing the group, "Hi! I'm, (Y/N)...(Y/N) Mills! Daughter of People Who Hate Me and halfly new niece to the great Captain Hook himself!! Oh and no need to address yourselves! I already know who you are. Killian Jones, Captain Hook, pirate captain of the Jolly Roger. King David, Shepherd, known to his wife as Charming. Queen Snow White, Mary Margret, pure sole and married to dear David. Emma Swan, The Savior, the daughter of true love and birth mother of Henry. Neal, Baelfire, Henry's origin father and son of The Dark One, Rumplestilskin. And last but not least, Queen Regina Mills, The Evil Queen, adopted mother of Henry and so on. Did I get everyone?"

"You...I've seen you before." Emma thought out loud. "Yeah, you all have!! Whether you 'choose' to remember or not." You laughed, "Well you guys should go make camp. I'd bring you guys to my camp, but I don't need Pan on my back. I just settled some things." "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What are you doing?" Hook grabbed your arm.

"Well, love, I'm going back to my camp before Pan and his lads go on their daily midnight stroll. Don't worry about me. I grew up fending for myself." You smiled, "Besides I have a meeting with Pan later." "Why should we trust you when you associate yourself with Peter Pan??" Regina walked up to you. "Well, because I'm more powerful than everyone and you have no other choice! Besides I'm Hook's niece!!! What's the worse I could do?" You smirked and walked away.

"No you stay with us until you can prove..." David pointed a sword towards your throat. "Mate, I don't think that would a good idea to threaten her." Hook tried to reason the group, you laughed at his attempt.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I know she's strange but she's still a good kid!" Neal added, but it was too late. You vanished back in camp, memories of your past overflowing you. A vision flashed before your eyes of a time when everyone would turn against you like they did so many years ago.

You sat on your bed curled up in a ball, blankly staring at your fire pit. You couldn't take it. Your thoughts were eating you up. You changed into a green outfit like the rest of the lost boys and appeared by Pan's thinking tree.

"You're early." A voice spoke, a smirk evident in the tone. "So what?" You sighed, turning to face Pan. He grabbed your wrist and took you to Mermaid Lagoon. He smiled as he watched your eyes twinkle from the stars reflecting off of the water.

"Why would you bring me here?" You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I?" He cocked one of his eyebrows up and walked toward you. His face nearly 5 inches away from yours.

You pushed him back and reappeared on top of the rock in the middle of the water. Staring at the strangely empty place, you whistled a sweet melody and the mermaids swam up.

Pan's smirk disappeared and he watched you carefully. He saw you lean towards one of them and whisper something. "Enough dilly dallying. I brought you here to make you a deal. One that could not pass up." He growled, leaning against a tree.

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