Peter Pan |1| - Maddie Grace

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Hey guys!!
So my best friend is also writing a Peter Pan imagine and her parents won't let her make an account, so she'll be posting on mine. All of her's will be marked Maddie Grace so you don't get confused.
Love ya'll,

Peter Pan |1|

You're shivering as you collapse on the beach. It's night, and the stars have just come out. You lay on your back, panting. The ship you and your parents were on sank, they didn't make it out alive though. Just you. As you stand up and your eyes adjust to the dark, you notice seven figures closing in, in front of you.

"Hello?" You call out.

"Well well well, what do we have here. A girl? What's your name?" A tall boy with a feather in his blonde hair, and a scar by his eye came out of the trees.

"(Y/N). Who are you and where am I?" You try to look for an escape route.

"Well, (Y/N), welcome to Neverland. My name isn't important right now." He smiled a sick smile. You try to run, but he catches your arm, "you're not going anywhere."

You try to break free but he twists your wrist around even tighter. You let out a little yelp of pain and glare at him, "where will you take me?"

"To Pan," he replied. He made you walk in front of him and the other boys, with your hands bound behind you. When you got to their camp, all the boys who were there stared at you.

"Why are they staring at me?" You ask the air.

"Because they haven't seen a girl in such a long time," You turn around as a boy, who's very attractive, walks towards you.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm Peter, Peter Pan," he smiled at you.

You try to keep from smiling, but a smile plays on the corners of your mouth, "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you if I can get my hands unbound."

"Oh, I can fix that for you," he walked around you and gently untied the rope, "how's that?"

"Better, except I think that blonde headed kid sprained my wrist," you scowl.

"Felix you mean? He always does things like that. If you follow me into my room, I'll wrap it for you," he started walking.

You agreed and followed him. As you entered, the smell of fresh pine filled your nose.

"Let me look at your wrist," you showed it to him and he inspected it. "It does look like a sprain, nothing worse. You're going to be fine darling," he wrapped it in a soft brown cloth.

"Thank you Peter," you blush.

He moved closer to you, "I hope you'll stay in Neverland. It would be unbearable without you."

"I have no place to stay, and no clothes to change into," you reply.

"You can sleep in the trees, or on the ground, or with one of the lost boys, or with me," he smirked when he said the last two. "And as for clothes," he walked over to a black chest and pulled out some clothes, "you can wear these."

You took the clothes he handed you and changed behind the curtain. It was a brown baggy shirt with a forrest green belt, black leather pants, and burgundy knee high lace up boots.

As you stepped out, Pan let out a whistle, "you look... gorgeous. Those clothes fit you perfectly!"

You blush again and smile, "the shirt's a little big. But all-in-all, yeah."

Hey guys! It's Madelaine. Hope you guys like this! Melanie will be posting it as I finish it. Comment and like, if you want!
- Madelaine

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