If Mist called Jet Vac dad in Who's your Daddy?

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(Every time Mist calls Jet Vac dad, I'm gonna bold it)

The Skylanders are in the library as Steath Elf, Pop Fizz, Eruptor and Mist were sitting on the couch while Spyro was looking through some books. "What are you looking for up there, Spyro? Misplace your wing wax again?" Eruptor asks in a mocking tone. Mist gives him a "seriously?" look before Spyro replied, "Not this time. I'm looking for another book about my heritage. I want to find out more about what happened to my dragon-kind, and anytime I bring it up to Eon, he's all, "Oh, right. Mm-hmm. I'll help you as soon as I'm done with this, that, and the other." Like he doesn't want to help."

"Spyro, did you ever consider that maybe he doesn't know what happened to your ancestors? That maybe he can't help?" Stealth Elf said. "Maybe. Still, if I'm gonna get answers, I have to do it on my own. So I'm here looking for more books about dragons. " Spyro said as he kept looking around, but tossed a book at Mist. She got hit and was angry before yelling, "What the heck, Spyro?! You should've at least given me a warning?"

"Well sorry, but I DID find a book about your elf kind, so I think you should look through it and who knows? Your family tree might be in there." Spyro replied and kept looking. Mist groaned and looks at the book, flipping through pages to look for anything about her mother's side of the family. That's when they hear the door opened as Jet Vac's voice spoked, "Eruptor, feet off the furniture. Spyro, must you fly so close to those books? You'll go blind." Jet Vac noticed Elf's blades lying on the ground and says, "Elf, how many times must I tell you not to leave your blades around?"

"And Pop, did you forget to dress yourself today?" Jet Vac asked Pop, who respond, "Uh, this is how I always look." Jet Vac noticed the way Mist was sitting and says, "And Mist, you're a female. You do NOT sit with your legs separated. They must be together." The teal haired elf did nothing but rolled her eyes at him. "Look, I don't want to be always looking after you when Eon's not around." Jet Vac said before Spyro flew down to him and says, "I totally feel like you love being the one who looks after us when Eon's not around."

The alarm rang as Jet Vac checks it. After checking it, he says, "This is it, Skylanders. We finally tracked down Chompy Mage. Turns out, he's been hiding out in the Falling Forest, where he's gathering an army of bloodthirsty chompies to wage some sort of attack. Well, not anymore. Who's ready to break a sweat and kick some chomp?"

*at the Falling Forest*

The Skylanders were fighting off a horde of Chompies as Pop Fizz says to Jet Vac, "Not gonna lie, I'm breaking way more sweat than advertised, JV." Above a rock, Chompy Mage and Chompie puppet were laughing as Chompy puppet says, "Silly Skylanders can't outwit evil wizard Chompy Mage!" "Yes, Chompie. A costly miscalculation on their part." They both yell out, "Chompies, attack!" The Chompies began to surround the Skylanders as they tried to fight them back, but there were too many. "Should we run? I feel like we should run."

Pop Fizz asked. Eruptor follows on, growing nervous as he says, "Running sounds good." Jet Vac tries to encourage them by saying, "Get with it, team. If I had the look of fear you have on your faces, I'd lay an egg." Just them, a pile of Chompies were above him as he has fear in his face. Without noticing, a blue egg drops out of him and rolls towards them. The Skylanders and the Chompies watched, silent. "Uh, did birdyman just plop an egg?"

Chompy Mage asked Chompy puppet, until they both laughed. "Like out of his bottom!" Chompy puppet said, making Jet Vac look down. Mist noticed and grew angry as she bawls two fists and lighting them up on fire. "No one makes fun of Jet Vac for something he can't control!" She yelled as she threw fire balls at the pile of Chompies, destroying them. "No! Flare's little twerp is defeating my pets." Chompy puppet adds on, "No fair! At least wait till after we're done laughing!"

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