Team Spyro (+ Mist, Flare & Marnie) as Vines Pt. 2

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(Coming out)

Marnie: *to Mist and Flare* Hey, I'm lesbian.

Flare: We thought you American.

(Buckle down and do your work)

Jet Vac: You either buckle down and do your work or else you'll end up in McDonalds.

Spyro: We going to McDonalds if I don't do my work?

Jet Vac: No-.

(Whoever threw that paper)

Prisoner: *to Marnie* What'd you say?

Prisoner 2: What'd you say?

Marnie: *snaps* I said "whoever threw that paper, you're mom's a h*e"!

(Come get y'all juice)

Marnie spreads canola oil on the floor with her magic

Marnie: *yells* Flare and Mist! Run in here and come get y'all juice!

Both siblings rushed in the kitchen, slip on the oil and crash onto the oven, shattering the door

(Story time)

Mist: *to the camera* Story time! *to Team Spyro* In every group of friends, there's the dumb one.

Everyone looks at each other before pointing at Spyro, who pointed at Eruptor

Spyro: *dumbfounded* Really?

Everyone laughed

(Clothing hanger)

Spyro: *to the camera* People say I can't do what I love without college. I don't need a degree to be a clothing hanger.

He had a clothing hanger on his head and hangs it on a doorknob

(Glitching Target Sign)

Spyro: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to T-T-T-T-T-Target!!

Airhorn sounds

(Making Holy Water)

Mist: What are you doing?

Flare had a water bubble above his fire hand as it was bubbling up from the heat

Flare: I'm making Holy Water.

Mist: How is that making Holy Water?!

Flare: I'm boiling the Hell out of it.

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