The Meteor (Another Skylander Academy x Sonic Boom Crossover)

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On a beautiful night, the Skylanders and Team Sonic were relaxing in the beach, circling around a fire place with marshmallows on their sticks. Tails was laying on a rock as he looked up when Amy looks at him and says, "Tails, what are you doing?" Keeping his eyes on the sky, Tails answered, "Just enjoying this beautiful meteor shower." Everybody looked up to see a colorful meteor shower as Knuckles spoke, "That one's flying beautifully towards us." A purple meteor was seen soaring above the teams and crashed on the other side. They turned their heads over where the meteor crash as Tails said, "This could be a major find. We need to approach it cautiously and with great care so that-" "Race ya!" Sonic said as he quickly ran to the crash site.

"Oh no you don't!" Mist yelled as she used her feet like rocket shoes and flew after him with full speed, with the others following them. Letting out an annoyed sigh, Tails got off the rock he was on and ran to them, yelling, "Wait for me!" At the crash site, Mist managed to beat Sonic there and as she looks down, she sees a big purple rock at the bottom of a big hole. She turns back to see Sonic and the others made it here and she says, "Ha! First!" Suddenly, the teams heard a familiar voice saying, "Think again!" She turns around to find the source of the voice and was surprised to see Eggman.

"Eggman?" Sonic said as Eggman said, "That's right. And as the intrepid explorer who first discovered this regal rock, I hereby call dibs." Mist gets annoyed and said, "Hold up. You can't call dibs." Eggman looks at her and says, "Oh, so you don't respect dibs? What's next? You gonna allow cutsies? Flout the five-second rule? Step on a crack without any regard for your mother's spinal column?"

Knuckles looked at Mist, hands on his hip, and says, "Not cool, Mist." She got angry and said, "Of course I respect dibs! But you can only call dibs if you're touching the thing you desire to find." Eggman let out a chuckle and says, "Oh! Well, in that case..." He then lowers himself down to the hole where the purple meteorite is. Mist yelled, "Hey!" before using her fire power to rocket herself down. Everything went into slow motion with Eggman about to touch the rock and Mist to reach him.

As she got close, both Eggman and Mist touched the rock and yelled, "Dibs!" The rock suddenly flowed white and surrounds the two, causing everything to black out. A few moments later, Mist opened her eyes with a small groan. She began to look around to notice that she was in Eggman's lair as she says to herself, "What am I doing in Eggman's lair?" She soon found a mirror, reflecting Eggman and says, "Gah! Eggman!" She launched forward, but she crashed into the mirror and fell back. She sat up and thought, 'What the...' Inside Eggman's body, Mist spoke with Eggman's voice, "What am I doing in Eggman's body?" Suddenly, the door opened and on the other side, Orbot and Cubot rushed in as Orbot says, "Dr Eggman, you're awake."

"We had to drag you back home. It was Spring Break all over again." Cubot said while a confused Eggman (Mist) look at them and says, "I'm not Eggman. I'm Mist." Orbot spoke quietly to Cubot, "It looks like he's pretending to be Mist." Cubot looks at Orbot and says, "Well, I'm not gonna be Spyro this time." Back at the beach, Spyro was with Eggman that is in Mist's body as he says, "Mist, you rest here." Mist (Eggman) looks at Spyro and says, "Yes, Spyro, buddy, I won't move, for I am Mist."

"And this is my humble rest place." Spyro heads to the exit before he looked back, trying to process about Mist (Eggman) strange behavior, but dismissed it and left. Mist (Eggman) smirked and jumped off the hammock and says to herself (himself), "Alright, don't freak out. Play it cool. You're Mist now." She (He) then laughed evilly until Spyro peeks inside and asks, "Did you say something?" She (He) froze and lied, "Un, no. I was just thinking of something funny that red rock head we both know said."

Spyro grew confused and asked, "You mean Eruptor?" Mist (Eggman) nodded and continued, "Yes, Nuffles. That's the guy." Spyro just looked confused and walks away. Mist (Eggman) rubbed her (his) hands evilly as she (he) says, "This is delicious. With my genius mind and Mist's combined powers, I'll finally be able to destroy these pesky rodents once and for all! Time for a test drive." She (he) then tried to use her (his) fire powers to make rocket shoes, but ends up flying through the roof and got stuck. She (he) get annoyed and said, "Yeah, this might take some getting used to."

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