Thankstaking for the Memories

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At the academy, there were some airships departing and some students walk out of the school with their belongings. Inside the Grand Library, Master Eon was with the Skylanders as he announced, "Skylanders, there is a mission of the highest priority that you must all complete." The Skylanders stood straight with serious looks on their faces. His serious look brightens as he continued, "Which is to have a great Thankstaking break, and I'll see you Monday." Team Spyro grew excited as they have already gathered their belongings with them. Master Eon got his suitcase, which is a chest and says, "Yes, it is nice to know we get to enjoy a well-earned break, while our enemies celebrate their silly holiday devoted to reflecting on all the taking they do throughout the year." Stealth Elf held her blades as she says, "It's so weird how the baddies purposely decide not to do evil stuff over the long weekend." Mist was beside her as she says, "I guess evil needs a few days off to recharge its batteries now and then as much as heroes do."

"I'm also kinda surprised that you want me to celebrate Thankstaking with your grandparents without you, Mist. Don't you want to spend the holiday with them?" Stealth Elf asks her friend, who replied with a shrug and says, "Well, my grandparents need to know my friends individually, so I guess you're the first." Pop then asked, "But why do you want to spend the holiday alone in the academy?" "Well, I need some time off to reflect on the events we have to go through, you know, the whole "my brother is a bad guy" and stuff." Jet Vac nodded and says, "That's alright. It's best to take your time to meditate to ease your mind." Mist nods as Stealth Elf says, "Have a great holiday, team."

"Stealth Elf, out." She jumps off the balcony, ran down and teleports to the door and closed it. Mist chuckled a bit from that and says, "See you guys on Monday." She disintegrated into a swarm of ashes and flew out of the library. "Well that took a turn, didn't it?" Jet Vac said, while Master Eon chuckled and says, "Stealth Elf does love her quiet time at the Academy while we're gone. But for now, I love that I can trust Perla watching over this place safely in our absence." Spyro pops out as he says, "Yeah, yeah, those girls are all that and bags of cheese puffs, but what we should be focusing on is the real issue at hand."

"Which one of YOU is taking ME home with YOU to spend the holiday with YOUR family?" The other males made unpleased looks as Eruptor began to head out. Spyro flew to Eruptor and says, "Yo, yo, E-rizzle, my main volcano. What do you say? Me, you, your amazing family, huh?" "Dude, my dad's still working four volcanos just to pay off the damage you caused last year." Eruptor spoke and got around Spyro, who spoke afterwords, "Damage? What?"

"You almost burn down our house." Eruptor said before going out, but Spyro got in front again and says, "Almost burned down" means I didn't burn it down, so..." Eruptor got around him again and says, "Sorry, Spyro. No deal." As soon as Eruptor left, Spyro flew up and says, "Okay, auction time for the rest of you. First item up for grabs: the chance to adopt yours truly into your family for the weekend. Now most of you have done this before, so any testimonial in my favor is welcome." Jet Vac and Pop Fizz were displeased as they began to walk away while Pop Fizz says, "How 'bout "I still regret it to this day"?" As Spyro mimics the bidding role, Master Eon cleared his throat and says, "Spyro."

"Alright, Master Eon." Spyro said with a exciting tone and flew into his chest. "I knew you wouldn't leave me hanging." Spyro said to Eon. Eon gave a nervous smile and says, "Uh...right."

*a few minutes later*

Mist was currently exploring all around the now empty Academy as she has a list of things to do for the holiday. "Alright, Thankstaking weekend." Mist said as she starts to hang upside down on a tree branch and adds on, "Now for some Me time." Out of nowhere, Spyro hangs upside down in front of her and says, "Hey Mist." She widens her eyes as she lands on the ground. Looking at him, she asks, "Spyro? What are you doing here?" Spyro flew down with a disappointing face and says, "No one wants to take me along with them."

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