Chapter 16 - Old Friend

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Heyyyyy!!! :D
alright. before you are going to read the new chapter... I just wanted to say
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10K READS! I can't even believe it! omg this means soo much to me for sure!!! 


lol ok I am calm now ^^ :P

....and for all those who are 50 Shades Of Grey af (like Illona & Shaimaa lol ♥) there is the song Earned It linked in xxx


POV Lorena

I woke up because of the beautiful sun which was shining and it was 7am! omg why do I wake up so early?

I tried to sleep again. But it failed. I decided that I will make breakfast for Gemma, Cara and me. I was really thankful that Gemma and Harry were taking care so much of us. I was also glad that Cara was better now. 

I put some frozen rolls into the stove, I set the table. I got some juice from the cellar and waited till the rolls are finished. But since I had such a big belly, everything I was doing....took a bit longer. So it was actually 9.30 am when I finished with everything.

I was about to wake up Cara and Gemma, when I heard that they were both awake.

"Good morning", Gemma said with a huuuuge smile and huged me. ok it wasn't like a real hug because my belly was to big. 

"I am taking a shower, I will join you two in a bit!" Cara shouted from the bathroom.

I needed to laugh. "well good morning to you too." I said.

She looked out of the bath. "Mooooin"

hahah what a weirdo.



after we finished eating we realised that our fridge was pretty empty. Cara and Gemma decided to buy some new food. I wasn't able to join them. My feet were swollen up really bad and it hurts. My back was also killing me. So I decided to lay down a bit and call my old school friend. Shaimaa. 

We knew us since we were born thought. We were born in the same hospital. I was only 3 days older than her. We also lived in the same house and went to the same nursery school and primary school.

When we were 8 years old, her parents decided to move back to France. we both were really sad about that. We tried to keep in thouch but with me living in the UK and her living in was pretty hard.

I haven't seen her now for almost 2 years and I didn't speak with her for almost a year!
I think we were both just to busy. But now I have some free time and I decided to call her. I just hope she didn't change her number.

-------------- (phone call) --------------

"Shaimaa here, who's talking" I heard her cute voice, with a bit of french accent since she is living there now for almost 10 years.

"hey Shai, it's me, Lorena." 

"omg! Lorena! Omg ! I can not believe it! How have you been? what did I miss? how are you now? what are you doing right now? why are you calling me! omg ! I missed you so much!"

she was obviously overhealmed.
I needed to giggle. she was so cute.

"I'm fine, thanks. What about you?"

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