Frank Zang

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It's been a year Chiron made all the demigods attend school, luckily was (still am) a praetor in New Rome otherwise I'd would have had to go as well. Sadly Hazel, my girlfriend, is at school right now, she decided to go back and continue with her education. But I'm going to surprise her by picking her up!

I climbed into the white and purple van that the camp provided for uses such as these. Driving down the motorway I looked out to the side to see a kid running from a monster army. No joke, there was about fifty - a small army, but it's still an army.

I swerved over to the side of the road, "Oi! Kid! Get in," I yelled. The kid took one last look behind him before leaping into the van.

"You're not another monster? Are you?" He asked tentatively.

I chuckled, "Nah, I'm a demigod. Frank Zang, praetor of New Rome, "What's your name kid?"

"Clint Darling," he said. Now that I gotta good look at him he seemed to be in his early twenties, just quite obviously short.

"I'm Frank Zang, and judging by that monster army I'm going to have to say you're one of us," by now I was swerving between cars driving way over the speed limit.

"A demigod?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, why?" I was confused. He seemed to take it well.

"It's nothing, just that my dad finally saw me for the first time ever yesterday and told me what I am. He's Apollo by the way," Clint said with a sad smile.

"Greek or Roman?"

"Greek, I was supposed to be going back to New York anyway. I just thought I'd hitchhike back like I normally do, then the driver turned out to be a monster and I think you can deduce what happened from there," Clint said.

"I think so, let's get you to camp. I just have to swing past my girlfriends school and pick her up then we can head straight up to New York City, I'm sure Percy won't mind if I stay the weekend at camp half blood," I told Clint.

"Sweet," Clint paused for a second, "So I will still be able to do my job right?"

"If you can survive, sure thing. If not, then it's going to be a no," I told him sadly pulling off the freeway at the correct exit. At least he found his way to camp, I thought sadly.

Okay, so I am really sorry. I didn't realise that I had forgotten Frank, I thought I had done him. So this was written about a year after I technically finished this book so my writing style has changed. But for those who wanted a Frank chapter consider this the epilogues epilogue. :D

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