Piper McLean

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I know I'm weird for joining school halfway through the year. Must the the Aphrodite within. This could be counted as a big entrance. I think...

I walked into Reception. I wasn't going to use my real last name. That would attract too much unwanted attention. "Hi." I smiled at the receptionist.

"I'm Piper Beauty. New student." I know, obvious right? But it was the best Chiron could do. He has a lot on his plate right now.

"Of course. Here is your schedule and other papers, would you like a guide?"

"Yes please. But not a boy." I said nervously.

"Of course. I think I know the perfect student to take you around." She winked at me. Maybe they'll be nice? At least don't let them be a monster. "She'll be here in two minutes. Ah, there she is now." She pointed to a girl who had brown hair down to her mid-back, it was cut into smooth flowing layers, her eyes are blue melting into an aqua closer to the pupils and they were speckled with a golden hazel. Her face was oval and she had a slight athletic build. She was shorter than average, probably only a meter fifty.

She was wearing the strangest outfit but somehow it all fit together, she was wearing a knee length rainbow skirt with a bright pink off the shoulder long sleeved shirt and what looked to be six inch silver heels yet she still managed to race through the crowd without breaking an ankle. I had to admire her for that.

"Hey, you must be the new girl. I'm Opal Willams, but my friends call mr duck because I talk too much. Welcome too California High School. What's your name?"

"I'm Piper Beauty. I love your outfit."

"Really? People think I'm weird because of the way I dress and I talk way too much so just let me know if I'm talking to much or too fast because I tend to do that when I'm excited." She finally stopped to breathe. "So what's your locker?"

"I'm in one-o-seven." I said.

"Oh, my gosh! That's right beside mine. I'm one-o-eight. Lets go." She was off this time dragging me behind her. "Here it is!" I put my lock on the door handle and started to organise my stuff. Opal stood beside me the whole time chatting about classes and random people, just as I was locking my locker Opal paused.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing just the so called 'cutest couple in the school'. Betty Micah and Jonah Smith. Supposedly Jonah is a demigod but I don't believe him." Opal said shaking her head.

I turned and looked her in the eye. "You wanna test that theory?"

"Yeah. But how?"

"I'm going to punch him in the face. If he's a demigod they're supposed to either go all ninja on you or pretend it never happened."

"How do you know that?"

"When your dad is like mine you too will be able to hack restricted government websites." Not exactly true but still true. I didn't get the info off a government website rather from actually experiencing it. But I have hacked restricted websites before.

"Wow. So who is your dad?"

"I'll tell you later. We're going to miss our chance." I told her. I walked up to Jonah. "Hello," I pretended to be really shy.

"Hi, are you knew? I haven't seen your face around before." He asked.

"Yeah, but I heard you're a demigod. I just really wanted to talk to a demigod." I turned to his girlfriend, Betty I think. "You are so lucky. Do you mind if I see what type of demigod he is? It doesn't involve kissing or anything like that. Gross." Time to put the plan into action.

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