Hazel Levesque

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I am warning everybody now, I will be jumping backwards and forwards in time. Thanks!

Hazel stepped through the doors to her new school. She smiled down at her new monster proof phone and laptop. Leo could be really clever when he wanted to be. And Frank had spent nearly all his free time teaching her how the modern world worked. Unfortunately he didn't get a lot of free time so she would have Percy and Annabeth help her. Hazel took a deep breath and walked up to the office desk.

"Hello, I'm new here. I was wondering if I could get my schedule?" I asked bravely.

"Ah, of course. Hazel Levesque isn't it?" The lady asked.

"Yes." I replied quietly. She quickly found it and handed it over to me. "Thank you." I replied walking out of the office. I looked down and smiled at my combination, 172. One of the Seven of the Second Great Prophecy. Typical fates, at least they had a sense of humour.

I stopped at my locker and unloaded my books into it. Just as I was about to close it a hyperactive girl who reminded me of Leo and Sammy walked up to me.

"Hi! My names Fiona Valdez." She introduced herself. I gasped at her last name.

"Hi, I'm Hazel Levesque. By any chance are you related to a Sammy Valdez or a Leo Valdez?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Umm, yeah. Sammy is my great grandfather and how the hell do you know Leo. He died when he was younger. Him and his mother, they died in a fire." She said with tears brimming in her eyes.

"I know Leo from another school. He didn't die that night, he was outside waiting for his mother. He's gone from foster home to foster home. He has had no one for years. But we keep in touch, in fact we're pretty good friends, almost besties." I said refers teeing the shock on her face. "So how are you related to Leo?"

"We may or may not be cousins." She said with a smirk. "We have to go to class. Forward march!" That was how I met Fiona Valdez, the crazy girl version of Leo... just slightly more sane!

We ran down the corridor to our Math class. We were talking to our last teacher but he refused to write us a note. So three months into the school year and I may be getting detention. I can't believe it. Never in my life have I gotten detention, ever!

We rounded a corner and there in front of us were four hellhounds. "Holy Hera this is bad." Fiona said.

Percy explained to me about mortals picking up on using the gods names for swearing. "You can see them?" I asked.

"Yeah, how can you. Aren't you only mortal?"

"Wait, you're a demigod too?" I asked.

"Daughter of Apollo, Roman. Third Cohort." She said.

"Hazel Levesque Daughter of Pluto, Roman, fifth Cohort. My boyfriends Frank Zhang, Praetor of New Rome. We're both one of the seven of the second prophecy. But let's kill these monsters and get to math." I said.

"Lets do this." Fiona pulled out a bow and some arrows while my gladius appeared in my hand. Together the monsters were finished in a matter of seconds.

"You know what, I feel like miss the rest of the day. Wanna go back to camp." I asked.

"Lets go." Fiona said turning around straight into Mr Notes, our science teacher.

"And just where do you two think you're off too?" He demanded.

"Camp." I replied easily.

"What do you mean? You don't go too camp!" He stated.

"Really, so when I call in my Praetor boyfriend to come explain to you that I am the only demigod child of Pluto and that I am one of the seven you won't believe me? And that Fiona is a daughter of Roman Apollo, second Cohort?"

"But you can't. There's only one demigod camp. Camp Half-Blood." Mr Notes said.

"Well Mr Notes, son of Hermes." He gasped at that. "You obviously haven't been to camp in a good year and a half." Fiona stated.

"How did you know?" He managed.

"Really? Just look at the features. They're just screaming child of Hermes. Now if you'll excuse us we'll be on our way. We have a camp to get too." Fiona said pushing her way through the crowd that had formed. I guess I may have just revealed myself. But I made a new friend, a Roman child of Apollo, so it's a plus that she's a demigod. But it was interesting... That much I can say, the rest, it's a secret.


Hey Randoms,

Thanks for baring with me for so long. I know I am the worlds worst author but please forgive me.

At the moment I'm freaking out. I left my laptop behind at the pick up area today, so I'm probably going to get detention for the first time in my life. I'm crying at the thought. I hope I don't, if I do it's going to be the end of the world! at least for me.

So if I don't update again for a while its because I'm grounded and my iPods been taken... But I love you guys so I will be back soon. Post who you want me to tell you about getting revealed next (not Reyna, Frank or anyone else I've done please).

Night Randoms. Don't let me die!

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