Rachel Dare

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I walked through the doors of Clarrion Ladies academy. It's a Monday morning so I put my stuff in my locker and headed off to assembly.

I saw my friends Megan and Ashleigh sitting in the fourth row, left side, isle seats, centre section. Otherwise known as 'our seats'.

"Hey girlies. How was your weekend?"

"It sucked. My dad bought a new yacht and I swear he loves it more than he loves me." Megan said. This is why we're friends. We both hate the fact that our families are filthy rich.

"Yeah. I spent it over on Long Island. My family rented some cabins at Monatuk. It was a lot of fun. We even went surfing!" Ashleigh was like she was on a sugar rush twenty-four seven. Yet she was the healthiest out of us three, and didn't eat sugar if she could help it. She even made her own cordial. "How was yours? You said something about visiting your camp. Did you?"

"Yeah. I did." I smiled at the memory. So many discovered demigods. The world was running out of hidden demigods fast. Then what? What would happen? Would we all switch around?

"So what did you do there?" Ashleigh asked.

"I-" I didn't get to finish because the principle stepped up to the mic. "I'll tell you later."

"Young ladies. Today we have a special speaker here to tell us all about demigods." He announced. "But before that I invite you now to reveal yourself if you are a demigod." He looked at us critically. I smirked, he left our Oracles and Augurs. Though Octavian is a fraud. Was a fraud. I forgot that I giant sat on him, sadly didn't die but he hasn't tried to kill us again yet. It defiantly helped with the peace when he got sat on and stopped yelling at the Roman to kill us Greeks. "Ok. Since no one here is a demigod I would like to welcome Mr Dare from Dare Enterprises to the stage." Everyone clapped politely.

"Isn't that your dad?" Megan asked.

"I think so." This wasn't going to be good. At least not for any hidden demigods or me.

"Hello young ladies. As your principle kindly introduced me I am Mr Dare from Dare Enterprises." He said. "Now I am here to talk about demigods. Most importantly their most recent battle. The Giant War."

'Oh no. He's not going to get anything right!' I thought.

"The Giant War was giant on several scales. The size of the battle, the length of the battle, and the fact that they were fighting giants. We have seven great heroes of this war. Perseus Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Frank Zang, Hazel Levisque, and Jason Grace. The war started when the goddess Hera switched Jason Grace and Percy Jackson around. She took their memories and they could only remember one person from their past. For Perseus it was Annabeth, his beloved girlfriend who he later fell into Tartarus with. For Jason it was Reyna, the other Praetor of the Roman camp. Not much is known about what happened at the separate camps but we do know that they both went on a quest. Jason, Piper and Leo went and fought in a battle at the wolf house; freeing a goddess in the process. For Perseus, Hazel and Frank they went to Alaska, the land beyond the gods. There they freed Thanatos, god of Death. Then the Greek camp collected Perseus from the roman camp along with Hazel and Frank before they sailed to Rome before continuing to Greece. There is a rumour that Perseus and Annabeth fell into Tartarus, made some unexpected friends and closed the doors of death. Of course what happened down there is all a bit iffy. But-" That was it. I'd had enough of my father dissing the demigods and everything they'd been through. They are my friends and I'm not about to let my father sit around and diss them.

"Mr Dare." I raised my hand and stood up. "I could clarify what happened. At least what wasn't too painful for Percy and Annabeth to reveal." I smiled sweetly and raised my eyebrows slightly.

"How you'll you know Rachel? You were at Summer Camp just like with every summer. You don't even know them!" My father said exasperated.

"Really so what's my summer camp called? Delphi Summer Camp. Just like Delphi Strawberries. My camp director is Dionysus god of wine, and whining, and theatre." It thundered a bit outside. "Yeah whatever Zeus. I fought in that war dad, both the wars. I was right in the midst of it all. I am the oracle of Phobias Apollo, god of sun, terrible poetry and archery. I am the speaker of Delphi. Do you wish to question wether I know about demigods? Wether I know Kelp Head?" I demanded.

"Who the hell is Kelp Head?" My father spluttered.

"Oh, sorry you know him a Perseus. At camp he's Seaweed Brain, Kelp Head, Percy, Perce, Water Boy. Need I go on? What happened in Tartarus is to hard to imagine. Us campers had to see their memories just to know half of what it was like. I even have the original message they managed to send us from Tartarus using Hermes brazier that had fallen into Tartarus. That was how they managed to get food down there and send us a message letting us know that they were alive. It was unimaginable. I, we, couldn't believe it. Hey dad. I'm going to spend the year at camp I think."

I left some very gobsmacked mortals behind, and one angry father. At least he didn't know where camp was. Oh well, I guess I'll have a fun year.


Hey Randoms.

How was the chapter?

I'm sorry I can't be bothered to write a better authors note. So... sorry?

Night Randoms. Peace Out!

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