Thalia Grace

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Stupid father. Making me attend a mortal school.

I had made a few friends; Sammy, Georgia and Brodie, they are all girls and hate it when you make fun of their names. Just warning you.

"So what do you guys think about demigods?" Sammy asked us.

"I think their... freaks." Brodie said bluntly. "They aren't even supposed to be alive."

"Well, I kinda have to agree with you but since I don't know any I'm going to stay out of this." Georgia said.

That made me smirk. "Whatcha smirking about? Thalia?" Sammy said.

"I was just about to say that I recon demigods could be good but they may have a temper. So I recon it depends on the demigod. So I'm also staying out of it." I said quickly.

"Ok. I think it would so cool to meet one. Especially a child of one of the big three." Sammy sighed.

I looked at her sceptically turned and walked over to my locker. I hated having to stay undercover but I had to. Dads orders, discovered demigods didn't have to attend school but since I was still undiscovered I had to go to school.

I heard a low canine growl from the front of the school. I rushed out there to find four hell hounds cornering my three friends. I rolled my eyes and bought out my bow and arrows.

"Why the hell do you have a bow?!" Brodie shrieked.

"Are-are you..." Sammy stuttered out. I nodded. The look on her face was priceless. I rolled my eyes. I fired arrow after arrow at them until only one remained.

It turned and pounced. The mortals screamed in fear and shock of what had just happened.

I just rolled out of the way and flipped over the top of it cutting through it with my knife.

Great. Dad's going to kill me. I wasn't supposed to reveal myself to the mortals. On the bright side I don't have to attend school anymore.

Oh crap. My father was standing in front of me. "Hey dad. How things on Olympus?" I asked. All the mortals were bowing realising who this was. I gave him a small bow too.

"I forgive you for revealing yourself. You did it to protect your friends, even if they are arrogant mortals. You may return to camp. You ride will be here in five minutes. Good bye." With that Zeus flashed out.

"Your a child of one of the big three and you didn't tell me?!" Sammy asked shocked.

"I was forbidden. I'm so sorry, will you forgive me?"

"Of course!" They said.

"So what's your full title?" Georgia asked.

"The shortened version is, Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, Pine Tree for several years, lieutenant of Artemis, eternal maiden, Immortal, saviour of Olympus and I fought in both the recent demigod wars, the Titan War and the Giant War." I teared up at the memories. So many demigods lost.

At that point Argus pulled up. "Hey Argus. You taking me to camp?" He nodded. "Thank you." I climbed in. "We'll catch up for coffee some time. Promise!" With that Argus drove off taking me back to camp.


So who is your most favourite writer today? I managed to get you four updates in one day. I'm sort that this ones a bit short but it was all I could think of.

Next chapter will be with Percy again. I might even bring in a few discovered demigods. Just for fun. But after they figure out who Percy really is.

Question: How do you say Thalia's name? With the 'h' or with out? (Th-a-li-a or Ta-li-a or how else?)

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson characters only my own. I'm not Rick Riordan just to clarify for all you Randoms out there!

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