Annabeth Chase

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Trixie and I walked through the halls of San-Fran High. Yeah, they called our school that.

"All students please report to the auditorium immediately." The receptionists voice sounded over the intercom.

"Wonder what that's about." Trixie said.

I had a bad feeling. I knew I shouldn't go in there but if i didn't it would be rather suspicious. "I don't know. But I have a bad feeling about it."

I knew it. As soon as we entered the auditorium I saw them. The gods. The stupid freaking Greek gods at my school. I'm trying to be undercover here! My mother, Athena gave a slight nod.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I could still bow to them respectfully because the mortals were doing so. Thank goodness that the mortals know about the gods.

"Hello puny mortals!" Zeus said earring an elbow from Hera and something whispered in his ear. "I mean hello students and teachers of San-Fran High!" Zeus said visibly paling. "As you should know wears the Greek gods... and goddesses. Umm..."

Athena hit her head. "Move over." She said walking to the front of the stage. "We gods are here to tell you a little more about our more modern history. We will start with the Titan War. Would you like to hear it from us gods or from a demigod who was actually there?" She asked. Everyone called out at once. Athena held out her hand for silence. "You there." She pointed at Mr Cowley, our English teacher. "Which one?" She raised a perfect eyebrow.

"Demigod, ma'am. It would be the more interesting. No offence to you of course." He said in his frail old voice.

"No offence taken. I'm sorry dear," Oh, no. She couldn't. "Annabeth Marie Chase will you please come up to the stage." Athena said. Everyone turned and looked at me.

I stood and walked up with the mortals looking at me like I was crazy. "Hello." I said bowing.

"Annabeth, introduce yourself. Full title please. I'm sorry." My mother said kindly.

"It's ok, I think I can forgive you." I winked at her. She winked back. "Hello San-Fran High. I am Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena. Official Architect of Olympus." I took a breath. "Retriever of Zeus' lightning bolt, survivor of the sea of monsters, finder of the Golden Fleece, survivor of the sea of monsters, I've held the sky, I found my way through Deadlus' maze, I am a finder of Pan, I fought in the Titan War, I fought Kronos myself (didn't defeat him though), I am one of the seven from the most recent Great Prophecy, bearer of the Mark of Athena, finder of the Athena Parthenous, survivor of Tar-Tartarus, I fought in the Giant War and I survived. Annabeth Chase heroine and saviour of Olympus. Girlfriend of Perseus/Percy Jackson. Or Seaweed Brain as I like to call him." I took a little bow just because I could at the end.

The mortals stared at me in amazement. From there I told the tale of the Titan war from my eyes. I even told them about Percy declining Immortality for me.

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