Clarrise LaRue

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I absolutely hated school. I mean, who ever the Hades invented it I was tempted to kill.

You see, at school I wasn't the Clarrise I was at camp. In fact I was the the exact opposite. I acted like I was shy, it helped that I was dyslexic so I could barely read anything, thus making me look like a mentally challenged kid; and then we had P.E. I could easily beat any of the jocks who think that they're so good and fast, but I had to stay undercover.

I hated attention and that is exactly what those discovered demigods are getting at the moment. We're lucky that they haven't found camp yet. But I guess the gods did something so mortals will never be able to see it. Let alone get in. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful that I haven't been found yet, but it sucks having to stay hidden, but I don't think I will be able to last much longer.

It's so different not being able to fight back when someone thinks that they're better than me. But I'm trying to stay hidden longer than Prissy or Annabeth. I do feel sorry for Rachel though. Her father is making her attened Clarion Ladies Academy. A school for stuck up rich girls, tecnically Rachel is a rich girl but she's into stuff like urban art projects and saving endangered animals. I respect her for that, and the fact that she nailed Kronos in eye with her blue hair hairbrush. I have had it done to me before, and yes, it hurts.

I was wandering aimlessly up the corridor to my next class thinking about this when I was suddenly slamed into the locker. I grunted from the sudden contact but picked up my stuff and kept walking. I know, not at all like the real me.

Unfortunately for me Steven wasn't letting me get away like usual. "Hey, Prissy!" Didn't they understand that Percy was Prissy? Huh? I kept walking, I wasn't Percy so I wouldn't respond to his nickname. "Oi! I was talking to you!" On you Steven slamed me into a locker.

I guess I just cracked. "Do you even know who I am?" I could tell I was starting to glow like I usually do when I get mad. Don't look at me like that! It's the blessing of Ares. "I am the favored daughter of Ares, god of war. I slayed the Drakon, I recovered the Golden Fleece, I survived the freaking Labrinth for Zeus' sake! I've saved Olympus and the gods twice! And yet I was forced to come to school, blend in, act like a mortal, not be anything special. You know why? Because I hate fame, I hate the fact that Gaia took the mist, I hate that you mortals knew nothing of these wars until the mist dissapeared! And I hate that you mortals beat us up and then expect us to swoop in and save you butts when a monster is going to kill you! You know what? I'm leaving, I'm going back to camp and leaving you mortals to save yourselves. And I hope that for your sakes my dad wasn't just watching this." I turned and marched straight towards the front of the school. I wasn't going back. I could hear the whispering of the school and see the shocked looks on the mortals faces.

When I got there I pulled out maimer and whistled a long low whistle, Mrs O'Leary bounded out of the shadows I heard the mortals scream and laughted to myself. "Chickens." I muttered. I waved, climbed on Mrs O'Leary's back and whispered, "Camp Half-Blood. Take me home." Into her ear.

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