Leo 'Flaming' Valdes

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I walked through the front doors of Bluewater School for The Gifted. Yes I said gifted, I am officially a gifted student. Really any demigod could get in here for a sporting capability, but they don't want to give up their position in the mortal world to become white-house famous.

I got in because I am a wonder with my hands. Their words not mine, I am not that conceited, is that the right word? I'll ask Annabeth later. But any kid like a child of Athena or Apollo or Hephaestus could get in easily.

Sadly it turns out that bullies can also be gifted. This one guy, Ben Mussolini, claims to be a demigod son of Zeus. Every time he says it I struggle to hold back the snort that tries to force it's way out. If he was going to be a demigod child of anything it was going to be either an extremely drunk Dionysus or another Hermes child. But I highly doubt either, maybe the descendant of one but not directly related.

I wish Calypso was here. Unfortunately the gods removed her from her island paradise, but they took her memories and made her mortal. She doesn't remember me, or anyone else for that matter. Not even her dearest island paradise that she once called home.

When I found out I cried for days, I refused to leave bunker nine, even for meals. I think I built a statue of Calypso and stared at it. But I destroyed it later. I couldn't bare to see it, see her.

Chiron suggested that maybe I should go to a mortal school to get over it. But my poor Calypso would never be with me again. We would never start our repair shop, I would never fulfil my promise entirely. I had made it back, only to return without Calypso.

At I was thinking that saw my two best mortal friends or B.M.F.'s for short! Cassidy and Carmichael. It's weird but Cassidy is almost like an exact Calypso. But she is mortal, maybe the gods made her mortal and the fates made her my friend. I think I will go with that instead of thinking about her being fond forever. Yeah, Cassidy must be Calypso. Thank you fates. Not so thank you gods. Hey, what can I say. They took away my Calypso.

"Hey Guys!" I said walking in on one of their arguments putting an end to it.

"Hey Leo!" Carmichael said bumping fists with me.

"Hello, how was your weekend? You weren't too lonely were you?" Cassidy asked worried. They both knew that I lost my mother at a young age and my father doesn't spend much time with me due to him being away.

"No actually, two of my friends dropped by and stayed with me all weekend. They're coming to pick me up later. Did you want to meet them?" I asked.

"I can't I'm sorry, mums old friends are coming over for dinner tonight and she wants me home early." Carmichael said sounding upset.

"I'm sure you can meet them some other time."

"We'll I can, where are they from?" Cassidy asked.

"New York, I have to grab my stuff out of my locker still. I will see you in homeroom." I said giving them a wave before walking off.

The day passed mostly harmlessly, I had a math test but I could barely read it because my dyslexia was playing up, and then someone played a prank on my history teacher so she was rushed to hospital in shock with a broken arm (it wasn't me this time. I don't know who though...). But other than that my day was the same as every other.

Finally the final bell rang. I met up outside with Carmichael and Cassidy; Carmichael was waiting for his dad to show up while Cassidy and I were waiting for Percy and Annabeth.

Carmichael's dad pulled up in the family SUV and rolled down the window. "Hurry up Carmichael! The Chases will be there before us at this rate!" He called.

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