Travis Stoll

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We managed to last three weeks in school. I think I had better tell you about it from the start.

The receptionist at our apartment complex is Melinda Trance, the only pacifist child of Ares you will probably ever find. She explained about the barrier around the school and our apartment that our dad, Hermes, put up for us.

The barrier had lasted us for the past few weeks and we had even made a few friends. Then the gods decided to pay a visit to the school, which meant taking down the barriers and that ment monsters could get in and... lets just say it wasn't pretty.So it turns out that last year when all the demigods had been fighting in the giant war and Gaia had taken the mist the gods had taken back over the world.

"All students are to report to the auditorium imediately. They're back." At those words our friends Mark, Jacob and Fanny grabbed our hands and dragged us to the auditorium.

"What's the rush?" Connor asked.

"Umm, you guys wouldnt know because you were home schooled but the Greek gods are taking over the world again are now in our auditorium because of Zeus knows what." Mark gushed out.

"You guys are taking this quite calmly..." Fanny pointed out.

"Ok, listen. We are demigods, but you can't tell anyone else. Swear on the River Styx." They all swore on the River Styx except Jacob.

"Ok, fine. But nothing exciting ever happens to me. I swear on the River Styx not to tell anyone about you being demigods."

"Thanks. Lets go." Connor said.

"So who's your parent?" Fanny asked.

"Hermes, god of anyone who uses the roads. Most commonly known as the messenger of the gods or the god of theives." I replied.

Connor looked at me. "And to Percy the wing-footed messenger guy!" We both burst out laughing at the memory.

"Ok." We had arrived and everyone except a few new students bowed. Yes even me and Connor, we didn't really want to be incinerated today.

"Children, please come up here." Hermes, our dad said. We looked at each other.

"Connor and Travis Stoll you get your butts up here now." Artemis scolded.

"Yes ma'am." We said and ran up onto the stage but hid behind the curtain.

"Oh, get out from behind there." Athena said exasperated.

You could here every mortal in the room gasp as we stepped our from behind the curtain. "Hey." I waved. Connor went and hi-fived Apollo and Hermes.

"Hey mortals. We are the head councilors for the Hermes cabin, yes you guessed it Hermes is our dad and we are now ditching school. See ya!" With that Connor threw a balloon full of the powder magicians use to dissapear and we ran off. We stopped outside the gym and waited for the gasps and murrmurs of shock to appear from the mortals.

We weren't dissapointed. As soon as we heard the reaction we got we ran home, packed our bags for camp and caught a taxi to the farm house nearby.

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