Chapter 2.

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it really means a lot to me i can't even express seeing your love towards the story

(guys in this story there are no chacha chachi and rishabh nandini lives alone in mumbai)

Person - what the hell nandini are you mad you are going to jump from

Nandini came back into her senses and after seeing the person she hugged him tightly and started crying

Person - shh nanzy stop crying tell me why are you crying

Nandini says siddharth and starts crying

(so guys that person was siddharth he is her best friend you will get to know more about him in next few chapters and obviously in character sketch)

Siddharth - hn nanzy chup hoja dekh hum kitne time baad mile hai aur tu roe ja rhi bta kya hua mujhe bta i am with you

But nandini was not saying anything she was only crying

Siddharth decided to take her with him as she was not in the right state
In the journey nandini was only crying

Then siddharth take her to his penthouse

Siddharth (calmly) tell me nanzy what happen to you why are you crying so much i am always with you
Then Nandini tell him everything from being bullied to her break up at the siddharth was very angry and nandini was crying

Siddharth - i am so sorry that i was not with you when you needed me the most

Nandini - sid i don't want to live here any more i can't face him

Sid - obviously you are not staying here you are coming with me to london

Sid- chalo its too late you sleep i am going to my room if you need anything just call me

Siddharth was started goin to his room but nandini hold his hand and ask him to stay here only

Nandini was so tired because of crying so she kept her head on his lap and sid starts caressing her hair and they both slept in the same position

The rays of sun hit on sid face and he woke up saw their sleeping position and slowly put her head on pillow and want to take bath then he order his butlar to prepare breakfast

After getting ready sid went to nandini and started waking up

Sid(while caressing her hair) - nanzy get up

Nandini slowly open her eyes and then remembers last night she was goin to start crying but sid says
Sid - no nanzy no crying get up and fresh n up them we will have breakfast be a good girl

Nandini nods her head and get up and went to washroom

After some time nandini came and saw siddharth was not there in the room

She went downstairs and saw sid was waiting for her at dining table
She went towards him

Sid saw her and said
Sid - come sit and have breakfast then we have to talk

They both start having breakfast
After finishing the breakfast they both sit on the sofa

Sid- nanzy we are leaving at night so if u want we can go to your house and pack your things

Nandini - yeah I have to pack some things but are you sure I can come with you

Sid - what are you saying why will i have any problem come we will go to your house

They reach her house and pack her things
Whole day went like this and at night they boarded their flight of london and and after some hours they reach london

I hope you like this chapter if there is any mistake please let me know
Pls do lots of votes and comments

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