chapter 9.

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Hello lovely readers
How are you all i hope you all are doing great and having fun which i assume not as lots of us are homesick

So here we start,

Sid, sm, ayush and nandini were eating breakfast

One week went like this sid spends his most of his time with his family everything were happy with this change ayush was the most happy daily sid drops him to the school

At dining table

Ayush - papa we have decided we all we go out tomorrow

Sid - we means

Ayush - we means me and angel

Sid shook his head

Sid - as expected
Why do we have to go outside

Nandini - what do you mean by why we have to go outside
And i didn't even visit London so we will go out tomorrow

Ayush - yes

Sid - why i am feeling like ayu is becoming like nandu stubborn

Nandini - hey i am not stubborn you are stubborn he is a mini siddu you were like him in childhood

Sid - i was like him

Sama - oh opposite

Sm - yeah that's true ayush is mini siddhart same face and same behaviour

Siddharth shakes his head but he was very happy that ayush is like him and not like her real mother
He wishes that ayush doesn't repeat the mistake which he did

Sid - ok we will go tomorrow

Ayush, nandini - yayy

Sid - you are still a child nanzy there is no difference between ayush and you such a kid you are

Nandini - i am not a kid so don't call me a kid i am a grown up girl

Sid - yeah yeah whatever makes you sleep at night

Nandini huffs in irritation

Sid is gone to office and ayush is in his play school

Sm was teaching nandu some new dishes when sm feels dizzy

Sm was feeling week and nandini notice this

Nandini - mom are you okay

Sm - yeah i am fine

Nandu - don't lie mom you are clearly not well wait i am calling the doctor

Sm (instantly) - wait nanhi don't call doctor i am fine its just the side effects of being old

Nandu - mom but we should call doctor

Sm - nanhi bachha i am fine

Nandu - if you say so but now you go to your room and take rest ok and i will pick ayush from his school

As you guys know ayush doesn't have a mother so he doesn't know the meaning of mother but from what he heard from his friends about he also craves for one
Some children bully him regarding his mother
He didn't told anyone about this

Nandini went to pick ayush she was waiting outside the school to get school over

After sone time children started to come outside

Ayush was also coming and suddenly he fell down
Nandini saw this and immediately rush towards hin

Nandini (lovingly) - baby did you got hurt show me your knees

There was a light mark on his knees

Nandini lovingly kiss his wound and started talking sweet things to him to distract his mind

Nandini - are you okay now

Ayush nods his head

Nandini - i have to talk to your teacher you stay here only okay

Nandini goes towards teacher
Otherside some children elder than him who use to bully him come towards ayush

(they are talking in child language pls adjust)

Child 1 - ayush are you okay

Ayush - yes i am fine

Child 2 - we thought that you don't have a mother but your have and your mom is so beautiful

Ayush was confused he is very small so he doesn't understand this

Child 1 - and your mom is also loves you

Ayush didn't saw his mother ever so he was assuming that nandini is his mom the thing which he knows about mom matches with nandini he got motherly feeling, love, care from her

So he was very confused

This is a short update and i am very sorry about it
I am very busy
my online classes has started and i have a tight schedule
But i promise i will be back with a long update asap
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