chapter 8.

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Hello lovely readers
I hope you all are fine and doing great

So here we go ,

( guys i am very poor in writing child language i have written where i can if its sounding like elder i am really sorry pls manage and think ayush speaking in his childish voice)

Next morning

This new morning brings hope, peace and happiness with it

Manik woke up with a determind face that he will make everything alright

At dining table

Nandini, sm and ayush were present in the dining table
Today nandini cook the food

Sid came there with a smile on his face in normal / informal clothes

Nandini smile looking at him

Sm and ayush were shocked looking at him as he was not wearing formal clothes and he was smiling

Sid (smiling) - good morning everyone

Sm - good morning

Sid sit beside nandini

Sid - ayush

Ayush ( shoched +happy) - yes dad

Sid - what do you want to say yesterday

Ayush(pouting) - huh i forgot sorry papa

Bechara shock nein bhool gya

Sid - its ok when you remember tell me

Sm - sid are you not going to office

Sid - no mom today i will spend my whole day with you all

Sm shocked and happy as he hardly spend time with them and now he said that he will spend time

Ayush - really papa

Sid - yes champ

Ayush hug Siddharth very tightly
Sid also hug him tightly and he also have some tears in his eyes

Sid caress ayush hairs

Sid - i am sorry ayu that i was not spending tine with you but from now i will spend my time with you

Ayush - promise

Sid - promise
So you are not angry on you papa

Ayush - no papa

Sid - papa loves ayu a lot

Ayush - ayu lubs papa too

Nandini and sm are watching the father - son fondly they are very happy
Sm has some tears in her eyes

Sid - so you decide what will we do the whole day

Ayush - otay

They all ate breakfast

Sid went to sm room

Sid - mom

Sid grab sm attention

Sm - sid come what happen

Sid sit beside mom and hold her hand

Sid - i am sorry mom for what all i have done till now
I know i let you down na but i promise it will not happen again
In all my grief and anger i forgot about you all i am really very sorry
I make you feel alone right i am very ashamed of myself
How can i do this
I am such a fool pls forgive me
When i was married i ignore you and i didn't even listen to you
If i had listen to you this won't happen
And after getting seperated from her i involve myself in work because i can't face you all i am so ashamed and angry at myself and that how can i let her manipulate myself i am so guilty and this guilt is slowly eating me mom i am sorry but now i realise my mistake and i will correct it

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