chapter 13.

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Hola lovely readers
I hope you all are fine
I am here with your next chapter
This is a short chapters and i am really sorry for that

So let's start,

After 4 years

In India

Somewhere equation between fab5 are not same they are not so close like before
Manik feels lonely as others are busy in themselves
Their band is also not going good they lost their publicity as they are very unprofessional and rude

Manik misses his nandini very much as she was the only one who take care of him support him and dearly love him
He regrets choosing fab5 over nandini (but what can we do its too late to realize the mistake) he tried to find but was unable to
In starting he tried to move on from nandini he did one night stands and go on dates but nothing works

Dhruliya doesn't care about anything they are happy that nandini is out of their life and have no regret about it. they just want their band to gain publicity and become famous
They are married to each other
They doesn't have their own child till now as alia doesn't want a child now

Cabir in time realized his fault that he should stood by his sister instead of being quite he really want to seek her apology he is not in good terms with other band members
The bond between manik and cabir is also not like earlier he wants to help manik but he knows manik has only done mistake
He has a son abeer whom he loves very much
He just hopes that nandini get back in manik life

Navya is completely changed
She is not the navya with whom nandini be friends with she is full of negativity
She tries to be friends with alia and mukti and tries to become like them
Married to cabir and has a son abeer she is also the band manager of fab5

Mukti is single. She has no regret on seperating manan happy that nandini is not their in life. She has a great affect on her after abhimanyu left her (abhimanyu is dead due to cancer) do one night stand fab 5 matters a lot to her

In malhotra mansion

10:00 a.m.

Manik room

Manik just now woke up and talking to nandini photo .Its his habit to talk to nandini photo after waking up and before sleeping

Manik(caressing nandini photo) -where are you jaan i am missing you i need you pls come back to your mani i know I did wrong with you but now I deeply regrets manik's nandini can never angry on manik for long time you will come to me when your anger will subside pls come back soon or give me any clue on where you are i will come to get you you can give me any punishment i will do it but pls come back to your mani

After doing daily routine he came
to dining are and found fab 5 are sitting over there

Manik (plainly) - hey everyone what are all doing here

Alia - manik can't we come here

Manik - i didn't mean that

Dhruv - we want to talk something important to you we won the competition

Navya - and yeah they mailed us that you guys got an offer to work with sidni music label if you guys impress them then you will be in their next mudic video and that music video is very special

Manik - wow that great guys its a great opportunity for us

Cabir - this is the last opportunity for us to improve our courier

Mukti - if we get this project we will get famous

Alia - yeah this is great opportunity for us

Manik - sidni label is the world's best label they are on top in 3 years and I think this is owned by Siddharth goenka

Cabir - yeah and sidni is a mixture of Siddharth goenka and his wife

Mukti - what is the name of his wife

Cabir - i don't know that

Dhruv - we have to leave for London

Manik - i will get me private jet ready

Cabir - so its decided we will go for London after two days

Alia - i have to go for shopping

All shook their head in disbelief

Manik pov
Wow i am so happy that we got this project its really a great opportunity for us. After this project our carrier will be reach sky but i don't know i am having a weird feeling like something is going to happen i don't know its good or bad and i will also search nandini there i hope this trip gives happiness to me

After two days

All are ready to go to London they were very excited but little they know a lots of surprises are going to welcome them

Fab 5 with navya and abeer are in manik private jet

Soon they reach london

After coming out of the airport they move into an hotel

If they got this project they will live with them in their mansion

All of them are waiting for the next day

So how was the chapter
I know it's little boring
Excited for the face off
I am so happy with you response of earlier chapter i want response like it pls if you have not vote or comment in earlier chapters pls do it i will be super happy
Waiting for your votes and comments

Ps. If you want to read a specific scene pls do tell me

Thank you ❤

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