chapter 6.

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Hello lovely readers
i hope you all are doing good

Here we start,

Sid(dead voice) - when you left i was feeling lonely then after 6 months i met her and i was attracted towards her but i thought i love her maine uske liye sab kuchh kiya because of her i upset everyone
I was so mad about her i was blind in my love which was not actually love you know what for her i thought of leaving my mom

Nandini(shocked) - what are you mad Sindhu you thought of leaving mom

Sid - she manipulated me and i being stupid fall in her plan she was just using me for my money
She asked me to marry her as soon as possible and i being a love sick puppy agreed to her mom objected saying its too early but i ignore her and we got married
2 -3 months of our marriage was very good everything was fine and going good i was so much in my so called love that i became a puppy who follow everything she said then slowly slowly i realize what i am doing after 2 -3 months of our marriage she showed her true colours she was completely changed or i can say i started seeing the real her
She came late night completely drunk from her late night parties she was cheating at me she was having sex with my rivals
You know because of her i lost my important projects she gave my hard work to my rivals she was such a greedy person

Nandini is silently listening to him as she know he need someone who listen to him she is feeling very bad and feeling guilty that she was not there with him when he needed her the most

Siddharth - when i got to know she was pregnant i was the happiest person at that time i thought now everything will be fine she will change herself for the baby but no i was wrong she want to abort my baby i was so devastated hearing that i was ashamed that i married her she maked my life a living hell i begged her not to abort the baby
She kept a condition for not aborting the child

Nandini - what condition

Sid - she want my 50 percent property on her name

Nan - what how can she
how can a mother do this to her own child
And you agreed on her condition

Sid - i don't have any option for my baby i have to this
And you know after ayu born she was not there when he needed her she was busy in her so called parties ayu was crying for her but she was not there with him she doesn't even hold him there are no motherly feelings in her

Sid was broken now flashes of his married life are coming in front of his eyes tears are forming in his eyes

Sid - you know what i regret the most is for her i hurt my close ones one who cares for me who supported me in evey thick or thin situations
you know i ignored my mother who gave birth to me who raise me and for whom for a selfish greedy bitch
I behave rudely with my friends i broke me ties with them but they were always there for me they supported me and what i did with them i am so ashamed of my act

Nandini - now where is she

Sid - she is no more

Nandini- what

Sid - yeah actually one day she was going to her house and she me with an accident

Nandini - oh

Sid - god gave her the punishment for doing these things with me and specially to my baby

Nandini want to say many things to him she want to give some brain to him but she knows right now he is not in the mood of understanding anything so she thought that she will make him understand later

Nandini - i am so sorry i know my sorry can't do anything but still i am really very sorry i am feeling so guilty

Sid (confused) - why are you saying sorry and for what you are feeling guilty

Nandini - for not being there with you when you needed me the most i should be there with you

Sid - i know if you were there with me you won't even let me marry her but its okay you are not at fault
Everything is my fault i am so stupid that i let her manipulate me

Nandini knows he is broken right now he needed her now he was there with her in her breakdown now its her turn

Sid (innocently) - can i lay down on your lap

Nandini - you don't have to ask siddhu come

Nandini sit taking the support of headrest and sid lays on her lap
Nandini was stroking her hairs

Sid slept in some time as he was very tired but nandini keep thinking about him
After some she also slept

Sid slept in some time as he was very tired but nandini keep thinking about himAfter some she also slept

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(like this but imagine bed)

Next morning

Sun rays fall on sid face and he woke up and he see that he is sleeping on his nanzy lap
He remembers about last night and today he was feeling light that he share his pain with her
Nandini woke up and saw Siddharth lost in his thoughts

Nandini - good morning

Sid - morning

Nandini - where were you lost

Sid - nowhere
Thanks for yesterday i am feeling little relax today

Nandini - you don't need to say thanks i am happy that i can share your pain

Sid smiles at her in return nandini alo smiles back

Day went like a normal day
Sid busy in office and nandini with sm and ayu

Next morning


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