chapter 15.

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Hola lovely readers
I am so sorry for making you wait for so long
From now updates may take some time as i am very busy with my studies
But i will try my best to update sooner
I hope you all will understand me

So here we go,

An hour ago of fab 5 entry

Nandini pov

I am helping my baby in his homework

Today I didn't went to my work place because of my dear husband . He literally order me to don't go and take rest at home and why just because i am feeling little drowsy. This man never listen to me always do according to himself But also loves me alot

And if you are thinking what work I do so let me tell you i own a fashion house A.S FASHION HOUSE which is no. 1
shhh don't tell this to anyone its a top secret actually what the issue is that I haven't reveal my identity.
I am also the co-owner of sidni music label

Today a band is coming and they have to stay here in our home i have to convince my aayu as he doesn't like some stranger staying with us . He loves privacy.

My thoughts are broken by my aayu

Ayush - mumma where are you lost i am calling you from so long now don't tell me you are thinking about your husband

Nandini (smiling) - no my possessive baby i wasn't thinking about him

Ayush (pouting) - what is possessive

Now how I make him understand what is possessive

Nandini - umm possessive means who love their mother very much

Ayush - i love my mom very much

Nandini - aww i also love my son very much

Ayush - momma i just come from downstairs

Nandini - okay but come fast

After a while

Why ayush hasn't come till now let me check

As i reach downstairs i call ayush
and he came to me

Oh god he got to know that the band members are going to stay in our home
Some how I convinced him

Andrew - mam they are the band from India

I look upwards to get the shock of my life

The people whom i never want to meet in my life are standing in front of me

Alia (angrily) - you what are you doing here

I was about to answer but my son response before me

Ayush - hey you why are speaking to my momma like this and what do you mean she lives here this is her house

Alia was about to retort back but cabir handle the situation

Cabir - sorry young man from her side

Ayush - why are you saying sorry ask her to say sorry to my momma

Alia - excuse me why will i say sorry to her

Ayush - excused but you have to ask sorry or leave from here

Cabir whispers to alia - alia say sorry to her you know nah this deal is very important for us

Alia ( gritting teeths) - sorry

Ayush - say sorry mam

Alia (fisting her hands ) - sorry mam

Andrew to nandini - mam now i will take my leave i have lots to work to do

Nandini - okay Andrew when will your boss will be free

Andrew - mam sir will be free early as he has only one meeting to attend

Andrew left from there

Nandini to fab 5 - come i will show you your rooms

Ayush - mom why you will show them ms. pal (butler) will show them and secondly i want a help from you

I shake my head in disbelief like father like son i know he don't want any help from me he just don't want me to go with them

Nandini to ms. Pal - can you pls show them their rooms

Ms. Pal - of course mam

Fab 5 left with ms. Pal and i turn my head to my naughty son

nandini (in a teasing manner) - so Mr. Ayush Goenka what help you need from me

Ayush (smiling cutely) - i want to play with you

Manik pov

I can't believe my nandini is married and she has a son
But how is it possible to have a son she left me four years ago and her son seems to be 5 or 6 years old did she cheated on me

And her son he has so much attitude look like he loves her a lot

Ms. Pal show us our room which are very comfortable but nothing seems to be comfortable to me now
I seriously want to talk to nandini and win her back
We both will go back to India and live happily

Currently we all are in my room

Mukti - i can't believe that middle class girl is married to a rich man and secondly she has a son

Alia - don't talk about her son he ask me say sorry to that b*tch

Dhruv - she is such a gold digger she trapped Siddharth goenka in her trap

Navya - you are right dhruv

Cabir - guys listen keep your personal enmity with yourself don't forget we are in need of this deal

Mukti - cabir we should warn Siddharth about nandini

Dhruv - are you mad don't you see how he threaten us

Oh god these guys are again blaming my Nandini

My love I know you are not happy with Siddharth but you don't worry i will make you mine soon

In sidni bed room

Nandino was facing mirror and talking to herself

Nandini - why these people come here when i am happy with my life but now i won't fall weak I am a new nandini a strong nandini who know how to fight for herself i will not let them play with myself their biggest punishment would be my happiness they will see how happy i am now without them
I will not let them walk over myself
Now I should reach downstairs siddhu must be coming home anytime

After few minutes

Nandini was sitting in living room with ayush
Both were waiting for Siddharth

After some time they heard car voice

Siddharth enter the mansion to see his beloved wife and son waiting for him

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