chapter 16.

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Hola lovely people
How are you guys
I am literally overwhelmed seeing your love towards my story
This is a little short update as you guys were demanding from such a long time

So here we go,

Siddharth enter the mansion with a tired face but his tiredness went away seeing his wife and son waiting for him

Nandini went and hug Siddharth as per her habit

( Nandini has a habit to hug Siddharth as soon as he came home )

Siddharth kiss her forehead

Nandini - how was your day

Sid - very tiry
(concerned) Are you okay did you again feel any dizziness

Nandini - no i am completely fine don't worry

Ayush - dad you forgot me

Sid (taking him in his arms) - oh buddy how can I forgot you

Sid - nanzy did the band came

Before nandini can speak ayush speaks up

Ayush - dad you didn't tell me before that the new band will be staying with us

Sid ( softly) - sorry buddy i know you don't like some stranger living with us i also don't like but what can i do our guest house is under renovation so we have no other option

Nandini - sid i made him understand and he understood he is very understanding right baby

Ayush - yes mumma

Nandini - sid go and fresh up you would be hugry

Sid - yeah i will just come

Sid went to their bedroom

Nandini to stella ( their butler) - go and call fab 5 for dinner

Manik pov

Me and fab 5 with navya and abeer are sitting in my bedroom discussing about our current situation

Then a butler came and call for dinner

We went to dining room and took our seat nandini and ayush were already there

I took my seat opposite to nandini

Then Siddharth come there and sit beside nandini

I only know how I am controlling myself to beat Siddharth blue and black and snatch nandini from him

Siddharth to fab5 (in professional tone) - hope you guys are comfortable here

Dhruv - yes we are comfortable here

Sidharth nods his head

Sidhharth - tomorrow you guys can enjoy and day after tomorrow we will start

Cabir - sure

Siddharth - nandini what is the menu of the dinner

Nandini - dal makhani, naan, chicken gravy , chicken biryani and chocolate pudding for dessert
We have our dinner in an uncomfortable silence

Wait a second nandini is eating non veg how is this possible nandini who runs away from non veg is now eating it
She is changed very changed
I see other members of fab5 and navya are also staring at her in shock

I was trying to take a glance of nandini but she is clearly ignoring me

After eating dinner we were moving towards our room then i saw siddharth whispering to nandini
how dare he and why is she blushing like hell i only have the right to make her blush

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