chapter 18.

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Hola lovely people
How are you all
So here i am with your update
Not wasting time lets start

Here we go,

Sid was walking to and fro in worry

After 10 minutes

Sid (irritating)- why the hell this doctor is not coming out

Advik(in consoling manner ) - bhai relax doctor will come out nothing will happen with bhabhi

Ayush - dad what happen to my mumma

Sid looks at ayush and moves to him

Sid (hugging him ) - nothing is happen to your mumma she will be fine

Just then doctor came out and sid moves towards her

Sid(anxiously) - doctor what happen to my wife

Doctor - she if completely fine but now you take special care of her

Sid (confusingly) - special care but doctor you said right now that she is completely fine then is what happen to her

Doctor (with a smile)- Mr. Goenka in this condition you have to take care of her

Manik - what condition doctor pls tell clearly

Doctor - congratulation Mr. Goenka you are going to be a father

This was a shock for siddharth
He was just standing there . He is just numb he didn't know how to react

Then advik squel broke his thoughts

Advik hugged siddharth

Advik (enthusiastically) - congrats bhai you are going to be father again

Sid - i am again going to be a father advik i will again be a father i am so happy

Ayush was watching both of them with a confused face . He is not uderstanding that his mumma is not well and his father and partner are hugging each other happily and they are not worried for his mumma he is very angry with this thought

Ayush - why are you both happy when my mumma is not well

Advik - because their is a good news buddy you are going to be a big brother

Ayush - means now I will have small sister or brother to play with

Advik - yes buddy

Ayush - wow i am so happy

Sid - doctor how is nandini is she fine

Doctor - she is fine for now but you should bring her to hospital tommorow for further check up

Sid - sure doctor I will bring her tommorow

Doctor leaves and siddharth with advik and ayush moves towards sidni room

Some were happy with this news while some very angry hearing this news

Manik's pov

I was so worried for nandini
I felt someone take my breathe away from me after seeing nandini fainted
I do not know what happen to her suddenly
She never take care from her
I just want to go and hug her tightly but her so called husband no no that man doesn't deserve to call her husband only i should be call her husband
When the doctor came out of the room and told than nandini is pregnant i lost my calm how can she be pregnant no no i think doctor is mistaken but somewhere i know its true
I have to work fast and make them seperate and ayush will be helpful to me

Sidni room

Siddharth enter with a happy face he saw nandini was laying on the bed

Siddharth (softly)- nanzy

Nandini - siddhu

Siddharth - i am so happy nanzy i can't tell you how happy i am

Advik - congrats bhabhi soon we will have a new family member in our family

Then suddenly advik phone rings and he went out to take the call

Advik - i have to take this call its urgent good night everyone and again congrats bhai bhabhi

Ayush was looking around the room

Nandini - ayu why are you looking around

Ayush - mumma dad said now i will have a baby to play with but i can't find the baby

Sid and nandini chuckles hearing this

Namdini - ayu baby will come after nine months now baby is in my tummy

Ayu (with a sad pout)- why after nine months and why the baby is in your tummy

Sid - because god want to see that how you will take care of the baby and babies are always in their mummy's tummy

Ayush - oh so i was also in mumma's tummy

Both became numb at this innocent question

Sid - yes you were also in mumma's tummy
Now tell me will you take care of the baby

Ayush - i will take good care of baby

Nandini - i know baby you will take care of your brother or sister

Nandini - achha tell me do you want a brother or sister

Ayush - i want a baby sister

Sid - ayush don't you think you should go to your room and sleep you have to go to school tomorrow

Ayush - dad how can i go to school i have to be here with mumma to take care of her and my small brother or sister

Both smile hearing this

Sid - ayu you can take of them after you school hours and you have to go to school otherwise baby will become sad that you do not go to school because of her

Ayush - baby will feel sad

Sid nods his head

Ayush - ok then i will go to school and after coming from school I will take care of mumma and baby

Nandini - good night baby

Ayush - good night mumma good night dad

Sid - gn

Ayush went to his room

Sid and nandini lay down on bed and nandini was on top of sid and sid was caressing her hairs

Sid - i am so happy nanzy i want to experience this stage fully you know right at the time of ayush i can't enjoy this stage

Nandini - i know siddhu but we have to make make sure that ayush doesn't feel neglected due to us

Sid - why will ayush feels neglected

Nandini - may be indirectly we make ayush feel neglected it happens first child feels neglected after arrival of second baby

Sid - nothing will happen like this we will make sure

Nandini - hmm
What do you want a girl or boy

Sid - i want baby girl exactly like you

Nandini - then i think we will have a girl

Sid - you know all this seems to be a dream to me our marriage , falling in love with you and now a new member in our small family
I never thought my life will be full of happiness and this happen just because of you

Nandini - i know i also feels the same who had thought we will fall for each other after our unexpected marriage


Note - guys this is the last update of September next update will be on october as my exams are coming and i have to study

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