chapter 12.

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Hola lovely readers
Here i am with your new chapter
I know i am little late but what can i do i was extremely busy with my studies and on the weekend i got an amazing book to read
But now i am here with your new chapter

Here we go,

At night

Sid was passing through nandu's room
He heard weeping sound from the room
He enters inside the room and was shocked to see nandini crying sitting on the bed clutching something
He went near her and saw she was clutching her parents photo near her heart

He kept his hand on her shoulder
Nandini turn towards him

Sid - nanzy what happen why are you crying

Nanzy(crying) - siddhu i am missing my parents i want them in my wedding siddhu

Sid - nanzy they are with you you can't see them but they are with you in your every step you told md nah to be strong and now you are only become weak they are watching and they will also be sad nah nanzy

Nandu - siddhu they will be proud of me nah

Sid - of course nanzy they eill be super proud of you
Now don't cry i don't like when you cry and sleep

Nandini hugs him tightly

Sid kiss her forehead and left from there
Nandini also sleep but not before glancing her parents photograph

Next day

3 people enter the mansion

They were whispering to each other

Person 1 - do you know why aunt called us so urgently

Person 2-no idea i asked her but she said come and then you will get to know

Person 1 - she was sounding exciting and was very eager

Person 3-guys we reached nah we will get to know

Person 1- yeah let's go

( so they are advik, brother of sid and karan kritika , friends of sid and nandini)

Advik (shouting) -mom mom

Sm come down stairs hearing the shouts

Sm hugs advik

Sm - adu how are you

Advik - i am fine mom how are you

Sm - i am good

Karan and kreetika also greeted sm while sm greeted back

Karan - aunty what happen you call us urgently

Sm - i called you guys because sid is getting married next week

Advik (shocked) - what

Karan - sid is getting married

Kritika - and that too next week

Advik - mom tell us when it is decided

Sm - have patience i am telling you

Sm explain them she told everything except the name of bride

Advik hugs sm tightly he was crying
Karan and kritika were also emotional

Then sm console them

Karan - aunty most important who is the bride

Kritika - yeah i hope she is not like
that aastha

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