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I can't concentrate all day. Every time I try to train I can't because I just get unfocused and think about Reese. I'm concerned for her but at the same time, confused. What did she mean this morning? Tyran doesn't utter a word to me almost all day, apart from discussing Elyria. She is generally cheerful, not really noticing or caring that both Tyran and I are spacey. She has been getting better, I must admit, with both Tyran and I training her.

We finish early today and Elyria asks me whether I want to go to her room. I decline her offer. Seeing her sad face almost makes me take back my answer but I don't because I need to talk to Tyran.

I watch her walk away then turn to Tyran, who just happens to be waiting for me as well.

"I need to talk to you." He says and I nod.

"So do I." I reply, my mouth a thin line. One thing training with him has taught me is that I definitely still don't like him.

"Alright, but I go first. There are two things I want to talk about. The first is Elyria and training." He says, then pauses to see I'm paying attention. I roll my eyes and raise an eyebrow.

"Get on with it."

He nods, frowning awkwardly. "Right. Okay. Firstly, I'd just like to formally say, right now, your communication skills suck." I glare at him and he rolls his eyes. "Oh, don't act like it isn't true. You don't talk to anyone. when you're training, you talk to me and Elyria like you're a ghost, instructing but not actually talking to us. I'm not asking you to spill your guts to us but please, stop being a robot." He says this giving me a sly look, and although I want to strangle him I do realise his words actually make sense.

That seemed to be my problem with Tyran. Not every word that came out of his mouth was bullsh*t but the way he said it often made you want to squeeze the air from his lungs.

"Alright. I'll try to be more human." I say, mildly sarcastic. "What's the second thing you wanted to talk about?"

He seems a little uncomfortable now and looks away from me, down the hallway, as if looking for someone. When he doesn't seem to find anyone he looks back at me.

"Well.. I want to know from you personally, uh, whether.." he trails off and looks at the floor for a moment, then back at me. "I want to know whether the rumours are true."

My heart drops. In my rashional mind I think of the rumours he might be talking about. Rumours about me, rumours about Calix, rumours about the CD.

But unfortunately I know exactly what 'rumours' he is talking about.

I don't say a word and he scratches his head. I can see he is uncomfortable but I'm not really sure why. It was weird to see Tyran like this. He was acting so... Vulnerable.

After a few moments of silence, he speaks again. "Uh, about..." he stops for a moment, collecting his words. then, all of a sudden, he blurts out, "Did Reese cheat on me?"

I don't say anything, biting my lip. But the longer I'm quiet the stronger the answer is.

"So she did..." he says, his eyes going spacey. I can't say that he looks hurt, but he doesn't quite look like himself.

I hesitate, then say, "I think it's best if you talk to her about it. I- I don't want to get involved."

He rolls his eyes a bit, suddenly gone for spacey back to sassy. "You're her roommate, F. Getting involved isn't something you have a choice in. This isn't some petty love between you and Calix, this is Reese."

I don't fully understand his words but something in his tone makes me want to punch him in the face. Instead, I turn on my heel and walk away from him.

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