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Vicki POV
I am really excited for today. It is the first day of a new job and a fresh start. I am a bit scared about not knowing anybody there. I also keep on worrying that people won't understand me. I am a very quiet person and generally don't trust anybody. It took me ages to even trust my boyfriend. I just don't want to get hurt. Some of the things that scare me is people touching me when I don't know or trust them and having loads of new people around me. I try to ignore all of my worries as I finish packing my bag for the day, not forgetting the lunch my boyfriend made me. He always makes me lunch and adds a little note that I read as a pick me up so that I can feel calm.
Once I finished packing my bag I grabbed my keys and made my way to the bus stop. This was the easiest way of transportation other than the car. I wasn't going to drive today as I don't know what the parking situation would be like at the studio.
When the bus arrives I use my Oyster card and get on. I put my earphones in and try to block out the world around me. This seems to work as the next thing I know I am at my stop which is just around the corner from the studio. I get off the bus and walk the rest of the way. When I get there I am very wary to enter as I see around 15-20 people already in there making friends. I think somebody saw me looking as she started to make her way towards the door to me.
Courtney POV
I got to the studio a little bit early today. Not only because I was excited to see some of my friends again but I am now the dance captain. I was also told that I was getting two new female swings joining me as the others left after we did our run in Toronto. I get there and see that Michael was already there. He greeted me with a friendly hug and we started having a chat about what being dance captain would mean and the new responsibilities I had. Soon Georgia and Eve turned up soon followed by Natalie Chua. We all greeted each other with a small hug and started talking about what we have been up to in the past month we have been on a break for. Some more of the new cast members and boys arrived so we all sat down as a group and started getting to know each other.
I glance over to the door and notice a girl around the same age as me with blonde hair looking through the window on the door. She looked really scared so I dismissed myself from my conversation with Isaac and made my way over to the door.
I noticed as I started to approach that she was starting to back away from the door looking more and more scared. I reached the door and softly introduced myself to her. "Hi I'm Courtney and I'm the dance captain what's your name?" I asked softly, whilst reaching out to put a hand on her shoulder. As I did so she flinched away so I moved my hand way from her.
"M-my name I-is Vicki. I-it's nice to m-meet you." She stuttered back quietly. I gathered she wanted a hug so I moved closer and slowly wrapped my arms around her, only to find her fighting against my touch so I let go. She backed away from me quickly until she was at the wall. I noticed tears in her eyes at that her breathing was at quite a fast pace. I soon realised she was having a panic attack and took her bag from her and sat her down. I got her to try and follow my breathing and then found some water in her bag and gave it to her. She soon calmed down and took her bag from me. She pulled out a notepad and pen and started writing something down. She handed me the notepad and then everything made sense. The notepad read ' sorry about that. My name is Vicki and I'm one of the female swings. I have bad trust issues and don't like being touched by people I don't know. You seem nice and I think I can trust you.' Everything made sense as I remembered Michael telling me about one of the new swings being quiet and everything and this just brought everything together. I said to her "you don't need to apologise, as I should have been more thoughtful as not everybody has as much confidence as me. Would you like to stay with me today and until you become more comfortable. I was in the show last year so I can help you meet some of the other cast members and help you with the choreography and communicating with the others?." I questioned, passing her back her notepad. A smile grew on her face as she wrote down 'thank you. I would like that. Just so you are aware I am sometimes mute. It mainly happens when I get really overwhelmed and panicked like I just did.'
Vicki POV
Wow. Today is going great (note my sarcasm). Not only have I made a fool of myself by having a panic attack because somebody tried to hug me but now my brain has told me to go mute. I just wish today could start over again and I could not have stupid anxiety as it makes my life hell.
The girl that helped me, Courtney, seemed really nice. She took her time with me and was really gentle so I think I can trust her. We stand up and she offers her hand for me to hold. I hold it and we share a small smile before making our way into the studio. She immediately leads me over to two girls. One of them is ginger and the other has shoulder length brown hair. Courtney introduces them to me as Georgia and Eve. She said that I will mainly cover Eve so I gave them both a small smile before we moved around the room. We repeated the process where Courtney introduced me and we shared a smile until we had gone round everybody in the room. We decided to sit down and started teaching Courtney some sign language. I did this as I knew it would help make communication easier on days like today where I am mute as it is easier than writing everything down. She seamed to pick it up quite quickly as I managed to teach her the alphabet and basic phrases and words in ten minutes. We then started warming up and Courtney looked at me and told me that the other female swing wasn't here yet and that she is younger than us and has only recently graduated from college. I just nod and smile at her whilst we carry on warming up.
Collette POV
I am so excited! My first west end job and it seems to be a really good show. Today is the first day of rehearsals but I am running late. Of course I am. I am late to everything since I got out of college. I'm really not good at time keeping. I rush around my parents house getting ready (yes I still live with my parents. I'm only 20 and recently out of college). I am finally ready and my dad agrees to drive me to the studio. I had already met one of the choreographers, Michael, and he gave me his phone number in case I ever needed him, so I sent him a message saying that I was running late but I was on my way. He soon messaged back asking me how far away I was so I told him I would be about five minutes.
Around five minutes later I arrived at the studio and Michael immediately came over and pointed me toward two girls, one of which had blonde hair and looked quite scared. I decided to tone down my energy in the hopes to not scare her anymore. She seemed to be using sign language to communicate with the other girl who was with her. I set my bag down at the side and made my way over to them, and starting to warm up.
"Hi I'm Collette, what's your names?" I asked them. The girl with brown curly hair answered saying "hi I'm Courtney and I'm the dance captain and a female swing and this is Vicki. She is also a female swing." Courtney told me. I knew I would be friends with these girls,seeing as we were all swings. Vicki gave me a small wave and then looked back down to the ground like she was earlier and carried on warming up.
Nobody's POV
From a distance people could see Vicki, Courtney and Collette become quite close. From Vicki allowing them to give her small hugs to quiet conversations. The rest of the cast could tell that these girls were going to be best friends and would support each other through thick and thin.

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