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Collette POV

After what feels like years I can finally sing and dance fully again with no pain. Vicki is still out even though her leg is better now. She has been really struggling with her mental health and has turned to self harm again so Greg thought it would be better to keep her off until she is fully better.
Me and Courtney decided we are going to go and see Vicki today at her parents house. We decided we would go in between shows as there is a good amount of time for us to get there and have some fun with Vicki.

Courtney POV

The last few weeks have been really taxing, having Vicki out still and Collette only being able to do certain things I have been doing almost every show. Luckily I'm not on for either show today and neither is Collette so we thought we would go and see Vicki in between the shows.

Vicki POV

I rush around the house whilst there is nobody here. I need to find something sharp. Since Greg and my parents found I was self harming again they got rid of everything sharp and locked all of the knives in a box so I couldn't get to them. After trying and not succeeding I decided that it wasn't enough. I see my shoes and the keys in the door still. I unlock the door and slip on my shoes before running and running until I find myself at a bridge over the motorway. Slowly I climb over the edge, tears running down my face. I hear somebody walking towards me and then putting their hands on me, trying to hold me back. I twist and turn, trying to get them to loosen their grip on me but it doesn't work. More people come over and start holding me back and cars are parking on the road so nobody can come past. I hear somebody on the phone talking to who I presume was the police.

I scream, "GET OFF ME!" I feel a panic attack coming....great...

I hear familiar footsteps. I'm in deep shit.

"VICKI!" Greg calls out, running. I know I only have a few seconds to do this.

I wrench myself out of the hands holding me, and stand on the railings.

I am about to jump when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my small waist and lift me down.

I hear Greg whisper in my ear, "It's ok, I'm here baby. I've got you." I slowly relax and cling to him, sobbing.

Everyone gathers round us and I cling tighter to Greg, my breathing uneven.

He takes me to a quiet corner and helps me breathe. It takes about 10 minutes and I'm finally calm. Well, calmer than I was.

He then leads me to the police truck where they explain they want to give me a psych assessment. Another one....wooo....(note my sarcasm).

I nod and cling to Greg.

They drive me to the hospital and then take me up to the psych ward. I do another assessment. Like I haven't done enough. They give me counselling appointments and medication. Great. Even more meds.

We then go home and Greg puts a film on.

We hear a knock at the door. It is Courtney's knock. Courtney, Collette, and Greg each have a knock (along with the rest of my family) so it doesn't scare me if the door knocks and I'm not expecting anyone.

Greg gets up and lets them in. They talk quietly in the hall. I expect he is telling them what happened today.

Courtney and Collette walk in and sit on the other sofa. "Heyyyyyy!" Collette smiles at me, I wave shyly back at her.

Courtney hands me a box, "It's a small present to try and keep you occupied without work." She smiles. I gently open the box and in it is a set of colouring pencils and a colouring book. I smile. They know me really well. Whenever I'm tryna recover from depression or going through it, I often colour. They have even gone through the trouble of making all the pictures of me and the people I care about. There's ones of me and my parents, me and my sister (Kim), ones of me, Courtney and Collette, ones of me and Greg, and ones of me and Greg, and Courtney, and Collette, and my whole family.

I smile up at them, but I avoid Collette. I hate knowing that I was the reason she was injured. We all chat, but I try and keep with Courtney. I can't face Collette.

When it gets late they head off back to Collette's house.

I go to bed thinking about what happened today. I'm lucky to have all those people who say they care about me, even when I hurt them like that. I lay awake thinking of how I've hurt everyone. I sigh and cuddle into Greg. He wraps his arms around me, and that is how I end up falling asleep.

Courtney POV:

Me and Collette just got to Vicki's parents and made our way to the door. I did my knock on the door just in case she was home alone, but I doubt it because Greg's car is here. Once I knocked on the door we waited for a few seconds before Greg opened the door. He let us in but quickly went and shut the living room door. I'm guessing he needs to tell us something but doesn't want Vicki to hear us.
"I need you two to listen and not freak out but Vicki tried to kill herself earlier." He told us. Me and Collette both gasped in shock. We knew she was struggling but didn't know she was struggling this much. "She is doing a bit better now but doesn't want any physical contact from anybody. Maybe seeing you two will cheer her up a bit. It's so hard seeing her like this, she is like a shell of the person she was before she broke her leg. She never speaks anymore and I miss her voice. She has gone fully non-verbal and I just want my old Vicki back." Greg says, his voice starting to wobble at the end.
"It will all work out in the end. She is just going through a few rough patches, I'm sure of it. Vicki is strong." I say to him whilst giving him a hug. "Shall we go and see Vicks now?" I ask. Greg nods and points for us to go in first.

Collette's POV:

I am walking into my house with Courtney. I can't stop thinking about how Vicki was avoiding me. I unlock the door for us and walk in. I smell dinner, which is odd because I normally cook it when I'm healthy. I shrug it off. I'm kinda glad because I'm not in the right state mentally to cook and would probably start a fire again.

I slip my shoes off and hang my coat up. "Hey babes!" I call. He appears in the doorway to the kitchen, "Hey babes, how is she?" He asks. I look to Courtney to explain as I don't really wanna talk about it.

She explains in brief as we don't wanna talk about Vicki's private business.

He sighs, "I hope she gets better girls." Me and Courtney both nod in agreement. He then leads us to the table and we eat dinner together.

Courtney seems drained from the day, and no doubt from doing most shows for several weeks, maybe even months. I smile, "Courts, head to bed if you need to. You need to rest." Courtney smiles gratefully at me, "Cheers Collette. Thank you for the meal Michael. I'm gonna get ready for bed now. Night." We both smile and wave her off.

We stand up and I clear the table, then start washing up. He dries up.

When everything is put away we go into the sitting room.

He opens his arms and I snuggle into them. Being a tall person it is surprising how small I can curl up, and I easily fit into his arms. "Talk to me, I know something was weird about seeing Vicki." I sigh, he knows me too well. "She didn't talk to me. I don't know what I did." I say, trying not to cry. He sighs, "Coco," he says affectionately, "it will wall work out in the end. Remember Vicki is going through a really hard time and is struggling at the moment. You will be fine." I nod and cuddle into him.

After a while we head to bed. I lie awake hoping that Michael is right and Vicki is just struggling to cope.

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