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Vicki POV
Me and Courtney had just got back to mine and we were sat on the sofa. I say sat but I was lying in Greg's arms while Courtney was laying down on the big chair. I was starting to fall asleep when I felt Greg pick me up and carry me to bed. I felt bad not saying goodnight to Courtney but the pain meds that the hospital put me on had made me really tired. I was already in my pyjamas so all I had to do was try and get comfy. Dr Eloise had told me to keep the knee brace on whilst I slept so that I didn't injure my knee anymore.
I heard Greg leave the room, probably to get me a glass of water and to check Courtney was okay. I soon felt Greg come and kiss me on the head and sit next to me. He started rubbing my back and playing with my hair. He always did this so that I would feel calm and fall to sleep easily. I soon startled myself to be awake, realising I didn't take my other meds that I always take before I go to sleep. Greg realised I hadn't took my other meds and went to grab them for me. I took them quickly and then lied back down and tried to go back to sleep.
The next morning
After being awake for a few hours just mindlessly scrolling on my phone Greg woke up. He had left my crutches in the living room last night so I couldn't move from bed. When he realised I was awake he leant over to give me a kiss.
"How long have you been awake?" He asked me
"A few hours, my knee was hurting and I didn't want to wake you so I just adjusted myself" I replied to him.
"Oh darling, you should have woke me up. I wouldn't have minded, you know that" he told me, holding me close. I felt tears welling in my eyes, knowing I will never have the courage to wake him up, too scared he might hurt me or be mad. Stupid trauma has me on edge for my whole life.
"I know. Did Courtney stay in the guest room?" I asked him. He gave me a small nod before picking me up and carrying me to the living room. Greg set me down on the sofa and it was then when I realised Courtney sat there. I still felt bad for not saying goodnight to her last night.
Time skip
Me and Courtney just got to the theatre. I decided to still go in as I don't want to forget the show at all, and I want to let everybody know what happened face to face. We go and sit in the dressing room for a while, and Courtney started pin curling her hair, already knowing she was on today. Collette soon arrived and we got the call for warm up. Slowly Courtney and Collette walked with me, and made sure I was safe, due to there being a lot of stairs. Soon we got to the stage, but just as we were about to go on I froze. I felt like I couldn't move. My heart started to pound and my breathing quickened. I tried to move but I felt like I was paralysed. I forgot to tell that to Courtney. Sometimes when I get too anxious I freeze and can't move, I also can't hear anything.

Courtney POV
We were just about to step onto the stage for warm up when Vicki stopped in her tracks. I didn't know what was happening so I kept on asking her but she was acting like she couldn't hear me. I notice Vicks breathing start to get more rapid and I tried to calm her down. I remembered from when I first met Vicki and did some research about severe anxiety attacks and saw that sometimes the person experiencing the attack may not be able to hear anything, and sometimes feel like they can't move. I quickly shouted for someone to get a chair that I could sit Vicki down on and hope that I could grasp her attention so she could calm down. Collette had realised what was happening and was starting to panic herself. I mean it is really understandable as she is still quite young and has only witnessed Vicki have one panic attack and it wasn't a bad one either. I called Georgia over and she took Collette onto the stage to be with everybody else and to start warm up. Whilst Collette was starting to panic I had hold of Vicki's hands and was rubbing small circles on the back of them, trying to grasp her attention. Once I could hear the music from warm up play I noticed that Vicks had started to calm down. She was really disoriented and her eyes were darting around, like she was trying to figure out where she was. After about five minutes Vicki was back to normal, except from the fact she was mute. Always happened when she had a panic attack so I was expecting it.
We decided it was best for Vicki to go home and she decided she wanted to go to her parents. I had met her parents once and that was on press night and they gave me their phone numbers incase I ever needed them so I gave them a call asking them to pick Vicki up from the theatre. After about thirty minutes they arrived and got Vicki in the car. Obviously we had a chat before they left and Vicki was clinging to her mum, as if she was more anxious than usual and was struggling to cope.
I feel there is something else going on in vickis brain but I just can't seem to figure out what.

Look who finally updated. Sorry about the wait but now I'm in isolation again I have time to write!
What's up with Vicki?? Stay tuned to find out

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