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Collette POV
I felt awful about Vicki for the rest of the show. At all given chances I had my phone in my hand waiting for updates from Courtney. We had just finished the show when I got a message from Courtney, it read 'vicks is doing ok just a bit numb. She's just been sent to x-ray so hopefully won't be long now.' so now I'm just waiting, hoping the verdict isn't too bad.
Vicki POV
How could I be so stupid? I should have said something to Courtney during warm up, and now I've ruined my chances of doing the show for a month at the least. I should have known. Why do I have to be so self-concious and feel like a burden to everybody?
"Hello I'm doctor Davies but you can call me Eloise if you like." A woman said, knocking me out of my trance.
She started trying to ask me questions but seeing as I was mute Courtney was answering for me. I heard her say to Courtney that I was going to have to have an x-ray and I don't know why but I started to freak out. Courtney wouldn't be able to be there with me and what if something went wrong? I started to feel sick at my thoughts and before I had even realized I was in Courtney's strong grip. I don't know what I had tried to do but it must have been bad. She was whispering things like "it's okay, breathe, that's it, your ok". Hearing her be so patient with me was incredible.
"You two must be really close. It's been ages since I have seen two girls, especially one so quiet be like that with each other." Eloise said after about five minutes of Courtney holding me.
When I was ready to, and Eloise and Courtney knew that, I was sent down to X-ray. I was feeling really vulnerable and I was on my own with a porter. Eloise had been so great and introduced me to the porter prior to me going alone with them, and making sure I was fully comfortable being with them.
When I was in the x-ray room I started to get really scared. Courtney said I would be able to see her the whole time but I couldn't. I started to panic but remembered what she told me. She said to think of a happy moment and take deep breaths. My mind straight away went to the time me, Courtney and Collette stayed together for the night. We had so much fun together, hopefully we can do that again soon.
Without even realising, my x-ray had been done and I was back in cubical waiting for the results. Still hoping that the verdict wasn't so bad, I set my mind on mentally planning a sleepover for me, Courtney and Collette at mine. We had decided to do them at mine because us girls could sleep in the spare room and Greg could still be there in case I had any night terrors or if anything went wrong.
Courtney POV
I could tell Vicki was upset about what had happened, but she was starting to get a small smile on her face. She started talking again when it was just me and her because her anxiety had gone down, she was telling me how she was hoping me, her and Collette could have a sleepover again at her house. Thinking about Collette I opened my phone and started a FaceTime call with her. She picked up within minutes and we were all just having a laugh, with Collette telling us how she messed up the singing part in hot summer night by forgetting the words. When she said she messed up she looked really disheartened so me and Vicks told her that it was ok as she wasn't prepared to sing it as it was Vicki's part she was singing. She started to look happier when Vicki started telling her about hopefully having another sleepover soon.
Collette soon hung up because her mum was there to take her home and Vicki had fallen asleep. I was keeping an eye on Vicki but all I could think about was dr Eloise Davies. She is so pretty.
Eloise soon came into the room with Vicki's x-ray results. Since Vicki was still asleep she told me what the verdict was so that I could tell Vicki. Luckily it was just a small hairline fracture below Vicki's knee. Eloise told me a nurse would be in soon and Vicki would have to wear a knee brace and be on crutches for around a month and then wear a knee support for a few week whilst she was dancing.
After Eloise left Vicki woke up and I decided then would be the best time to tell her the results. "Vicks Eloise came in while you were sleeping and you've got a small hairline fracture just below your knee. Your lucky we found it now otherwise it could have got worse. A nurse is gonna come in in a minute and put a knee brace on you and give you some crutches which you will need to use for a month and then use a knee support when your dancing for a while after that." I explained to her. I could see Vicki's face drop as I was telling her and she started crying. I understood why because performing is like an escape for her, it is where she feels most comfortable so not being able to perform for a month or even longer is really heartbreaking.
Vicki POV
I am upset about not being able to dance, but at least it isn't serious. I just need to focus on recovery now and getting better. Courtney has been holding my hand the whole time and I know her and Collette will support me through my recovery. I have just been discharged and me and Courtney are waiting for Greg to come and pick us up. Due to the time being so late Courtney is staying at mine tonight and I am going to go into the theatre with her tomorrow to see everybody.

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