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Collettes POV was wrote by Mini_Mills

Sharon's POV
I am walking to work today hoping the attention seeking little brat Vicki, who everybody seems to love, isn't there. Rob and I both have the same opinion on her. When she has her 'mute' episode she is just being lazy and can't be bothered to talk. We could all do that - and then she cries, drawing even more attention to herself. At the moment she is severely "injured" because she was too "anxious" to tell anybody she was in pain. Anxiety isn't a real thing, neither is PTSD. It's called being weak. The world isn't that scary and she just needs to grow up.

I get to the theatre and meet Rob in my dressing room before heading to the stage. Surprise, surprise, she is here. I see her lean into Courtney more, anybody would think Vicki was a child. I feel sorry for Courtney having to deal with her all day. After everybody arrives Courtney helps Vicki to the back of the stage, where me and Rob sit during physical, so that she can watch. She sits with her left arm crossed over her body and her right hand by her mouth, biting her fingernails. I go over to her and pull her hand away from her mouth. "Stop attention seeking, you brat." I whisper to her. Rob then comes over and whispers "Grown ups don't cry. The world isn't scary. Grow up."
I could see tears welling in her eyes and she started to shake. I felt very accomplished and ready for the day. A little bit of this everyday will make her grow up.

Suddenly she starts to sob and Courtney and Collette come running over. They engulf her in a massive hug and calm her down before leaving to take her back to their dressing room, saying they will warm up in there.
Hopefully she doesn't tell them what we said, otherwise we are done for.

Courtney's POV
I was sat on the floor with Vicki next to me waiting for everybody to turn up for warm up. Rob and Sharon came in and I noticed Vicki lean closer to me. I put my hand on her back to calm her down and she relaxes. I don't know what is going on, but I have noticed that Sharon and Rob are the only two that haven't asked Vicki if she is okay since she injured her knee - and the only two who didn't join in with the sign language lessons we all took part in during rehearsals so we could help Vicki when she needed it.

Everybody had now arrived so I helped Vicki to the back of the stage so she could watch warm up. When I left her I noticed she was biting her nails again, something she does when she is feeling anxious. I notice Sharon going over and taking her hand from her mouth and then whispering something in Vicks ear. I noticed Vicki tense up and then Rob went over and also whispered something in her ear. I signed to Collette to keep an eye out because she was stood near the back of the stage today, where she always stands when she isn't on. I saw Collette sign back saying that Vicki looked like she was about to cry. Next thing I know I could hear Vicki sobbing. I signalled for everybody else to carry on warming up. Me and Collette went over to Vicki. We engulfed her into a massive hug and I think we both felt Vicki relax a bit. When she had calmed down me and Collette took Vicki upstairs to our dressing room, deciding we would warm up in there.

Collette's POV:
After a while, Vicki is a bit calmer. Thank God.

Me and Courts warm up gently, Vicki just stares at the floor.

When we are warmed up, I sit on one side of Vicki and Courtney sits the other side. "Hey, babes. What's up?" I ask gently. She signs back, 'Don't worry, I should be more grown up.' I exchange a look with Courtney and we are both confused but also certain we know how this came about.

'Who told you that?' I ask in sign. She shrugged. 'Please tell me.' I sign, really worried about her. She sighed, 'Ok fine. But you have to promise that I don't have to sit near them and that you won't tell anyone.' Courtney and I share a look, doubtful, but willing to agree. 'Ok, sure.' I sign back.

'Sharon and Rob.' She signs, I hear the door creak and I look over. "Speak of the devils." I mutter.

I see Courtney stand up, outraged. "Courtney. No. Leave it." I say firmly. She does, but very reluctantly.

"Hi." Sharon smiled fakely, I roll my eyes, struggling to restrain myself from launching myself at them. The only thing stopping me, is that it would scare Vicki, so I do stop myself.

I stand up, "Hey, don't you have a show to prepare for?" I ask, they nod, "Yh, just wanted to say hi." I know something is off. They never speak to us. I guess they were hoping to catch Vicki alone. Me and Courtney obviously have the same thought because next thing I know, Courtney closes our dressing room door on them.

I turn to Vicki and see she is biting her thumb again, "Hey, it's ok. We got you." I whisper reassuringly. She nods and looks up at us, trust in her eyes. Me and Courtney hug her.

The monitor then blasts, "This is your quarter hour call." Courtney leaps up, and starts putting on a quick layer of make-up, while I stay cuddling Vicki. It is quite funny seeing Courts flying around doing makeup and hair in a rush. It got Vicki smiling at least.

At the 5, she is leaping into her costume, hair and make-up done. I am surprised, but then at the same time not.

Courts then heads down as the beginners call is heard through the monitor.

Me and Vicki decide to listen to music. Well Vicki wanted to so I didn't mind. We plug our earphones into Vicki's phone and listen to her playlists. She has really good taste, not gunna lie.

Soon the show is over, Courtney undresses, takes off the worst of her make-up, and gets ready to go home.

Seeing as Vicki's house is on the way to my place, and Courtney's too, we drop her off. Gregg answers the door. I give him the, 'I'll message you what happened.' look, then he waves us off and me and Courts head to mine. We had arranged for Courtney to stay the night as her house was having plumbing work done.

I let us both in, "I'm home Michael!" I yell as I enter. "Hey babes. I made up the spare room for Courtney!" Is the response I get. He runs down and kisses me gently, a daily ritual, almost. I smile, "Ok. I'll go put dinner on. Courtney. The shower is in the first room on the right." She nods and disappears up there.

After about ten minutes of cooking dinner, I feel a pair of arms snake round me, "Hey, how was Vicki today?" He asks, he always does. He is so sweet like that. I explain what happened, then it dawns on me, "Shit. I didn't message Gregg. Oopsie." I whip my phone out and text Gregg, it's a long message.

I forget about dinner, next thing I know is a Michael is dragging me away, I feel a pain shoot up my arm.

Michael yells Courtney down, "GET OUT THE HOUSE!" is the last thing I hear before I pass out in Michael's arms.

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