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Vicki POV
Today is the day. My first show on in Bat out of Hell. I am so excited yet nervous at the same time. As I am walking from the bus stop to the theatre loads of bad thoughts are rushing through my head. 'What if I mess up? What if I forget the dances? What if I freak out and run of stage?'
My thoughts are brought to a halt when Courtney and Collette both put their hands on my shoulder. I flinch slightly and they both pull me to the side and give me a look. The look I have come to know a lot over the past two months. It's the look they give me when they think something is wrong. I mean I love these two but sometimes I feel like I just can't talk to anyone, like I'll just be a burden and they won't actually care. I look at them both with a smile on my face and say "I'm fine guys. You just took me by surprise, that's all." I see Courtney give Colette a look. I have gotten to know Courtney so well that I knew that face meant 'leave it for now, we will talk about it later.' Gosh I love them.
Collette POV
Today. It's today. My west end debut. I'm so excited and Vicki is also on tonight. I am stood outside my parents house waiting for Courtney because we are going to get the bus together. Normally my mum or dad would take me but they are busy.
Me and Courtney are walking from the bus stop to the theatre when we see Vicki a few meters in front of us. She seems to be in her own little world so we speed up to catch her up. When we get to her we both put our hands on her shoulders. Vicki flinches slightly so we pull her to the side. We both new she was worried about something because she has become so comfortable with us she never flinched when we touch her. "I'm fine guys. You just took me by surprise, that's all." She says after we give her 'the look'. I don't feel very convinced by what she said but then Courtney gave me a look to basically say to leave it for now. Me and Courtney grab one of Vicki's hands each and continue the short walk to the theatre.
We had all arrived at the theatre early because me and Vicki wanted to check we definitely knew the choreography, so Courtney said that she would help us. We were just sat chatting on the stage as we knew it was almost time for warm up so there was no point going to the dressing room when I noticed Vicki was in her own little world. I alert Courtney and she goes and sits in front of Vicki and gets her attention.
"You alright Vics?" I ask her
"Yeah,I'm just a bit tired." She laughed back with a smile on her face. I believed her as I knew I was probably just overthinking it.
Skip to end of act one
End of act one. Wow. That went fast. Me and Vicki were stood in the tunnel waiting to go on when I saw Vicki drop down a bit with a face full of pain. I decide to leave it as she would say something if she was hurt. We went on and did the end of the dance, but at the end during one of the jumps I noticed Vicki miss the landing and fall to the ground. She didn't attempt to get back up and I could see she was trying not to cry.
As soon as the blackout happened the whole cast gathered around, blocking her from the sight of the audience. Giovanni picked her up and carried her off stage, where there were some first aiders with ice packs waiting for Vicki. Vicki was already crying her eyes out and everybody started crowding around her. I could see Courtney behind everybody trying to get through. All of a sudden Courtney shouted at everybody to stop what they were doing and to go to their dressing rooms. When we both finally got to Vicki she was covering her ears and rocking herself slightly. Me and Courtney both knew she was having a bad panic attack as this is how she tries to cope with them on her own.
Courtney POV
I was in the studio upstairs watching the show on the screen and I saw Vicki fall to the ground and not get up. I immediately ran down the stairs and told the company manager to get some first aiders ready for when she came off. The blackout happened and Giovanni carried Vicki off the stage, with the rest of the cast following. I felt awful as I tried to make my way through to Vicki, knowing she would be scared and overwhelmed by the amount of people crowding around her.
"Everybody Stop! Your scaring her. Go back to your dressing rooms." I yelled at everybody. I felt bad for doing so because I knew they were all just concerned, but it was the best for Vicki. Me and Collette stayed back and when we managed to get to Vicki she was covering her ears and rocking herself back and forth. I knew what was happening and straight away got everybody else who was still backstage to move away whilst me and Collette calmed Vicki down.
After about five minutes Vicki was calm but still crying, most likely from pain. She had gone mute so was communicating in sign language. I knew I would have to go to the hospital with her as I was the person she trusted the most in the cast, so I got Aston to go on in Vicki's track for the remainder of the show.
Someone had called an ambulance so we removed Vicki's mic and wig and I packed her clothes into a bag so that she could change out of her costume later on. The paramedics soon arrived and did a quick examination before getting Vicki into the ambulance, me following closely behind. They suspected Vicki had broken her leg and therefore will need to take time away from the show.
When we were on our way to the hosptal I called Greg, Vicki's boyfriend, alerting him on the situation. He said he would meet us at the hospital so I hung up and focused all of my attention on Vicki. She was no longer crying but was zoning out all of the time. I could tell she was upset about not being able to perform for a while, especially as the happened on her first show.

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