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Gregg POV
After Courtney and Collette brought Vicki home last night she hasn't been acting like normal. She hasn't said a single word and hardly touched her food last night. I was a bit worried about her if I'm honest. I was sat in bed watching her sleep wondering how anyone could be so cruel to such a sweet and caring girl. I was brought out of my thoughts by Vicki's phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Courtney. Quickly I left the room and answered Courtney. She seemed to be crying and said something about Collette and the same hospital she went to with Vicki and a fire. I quickly told her me and Vicks would be there soon before hanging up. I went back into the bedroom and saw Vicks starting to wake up. I went in and told her what happened and that we are going to go and see them in the hospital. She started crying hysterically. I kept on trying to calm her down until I realised that the fire would have triggered her. She slowly picked out some clothes and got changed before grabbing her crutches and making her way to the car.
I realised that Vicki must still be mute. I remembered Collette messaging me last night telling me that some of the other cast members had said a few mean things to vicks and she has been mute since.

Courtney POV
Not long after I got out of the house an ambulance and fire truck arrived. Immediately the paramedics came over to me, Collette and Michael. One of them checked me and Michael over and the other checked Collette. They cut up the sleeve of Collette's top before pouring cold water over her arm and wrapping it up in a type of plastic. (Casualty taught me well for this moment) They put an oxygen mask over her face before getting me, her and Michael into the ambulance and driving us off to the hospital. When we got there, I was taken off to cubical to get thoroughly checked out and Michael followed Collette to resus.It took After a few hours of waiting, for a doctor to come in and when they did I recognised the doctor was Eloise, the same one that treated Vicki when she injured her knee.

The doctor did all the normal tests, made sure I wasn't burnt or anything then sent me off to see what state Michael was in.

I arrive, "How bad is it?" I ask quietly. He shrugs," I sigh, then "how.
"She just woke up so they are running some tests. They said the burn isn't too bad and she should heal quickly." Michael replied. "She inhaled a lot of smoke though, that's why she passed out. Have you called Vicki?" He asked. It was around 6 am, the wait to get seen was long.
"Yeah I just called her. Gregg picked up but he said they would be here soon. So I am also guessing Vicki was either asleep or is still mute, she could be both though." I replied. We both sat in silence before a doctor came out and told us that collette would have to stay in today. Luckily it was a Sunday so we had no shows today. They also said she would have to be out of the show for around a week due to the burn on her arm and won't be able to sing.
Eloise had just walked around the corner and gave me a piece of paper that said 'message me' with what I'm guessing was her phone number.

Vicki POV
I felt awful about Collette and Courtney, but all that was going through my brain was the fire. Ever since I was little I have been scared of fire, I don't even like candles and whenever I am on at bat they don't use the fire so they don't trigger me. Hopefully Collette and Courtney aren't badly injured, otherwise I would never forgive myself, no matter how many people tell me it wasn't my fault. The doctor came out not long after me and Greg got to the hospital and told us that Collette was completely fine but they would like to keep her in for observation overnight. Luckily today was a Sunday so there wasn't a show today.
I started to feel really uncomfortable and even more anxious whilst sat in the hospital so I signed to Greg asking if we could go. We ended up going to my parents house because it was closer and we always go on a Sunday.
As soon as we got to my parents house I got straight out of the car and made my way as quickly as I could on crutches, into the house. As soon as I got in I slipped my shoes off and went upstairs to my bedroom. I really didn't want to socialise with anybody today. I sat on my bed for a bit before my mum came in and sat next to me. I was staring at the wall in front of me in my own little world when I felt her pull me towards her. She started playing with my hair and I felt tears welling in my eyes. I knew I would never be a part of a loving family biologically but I can be part of this family. I soon stopped crying and signed to my mum that I wanted to be alone for a bit so she left me alone and told me that my lunch would be ready in about 10 minutes. I stood up and slowly hopped to the mirror. I took my oversized t-shirt off so I was stood there in my shorts and bra. I pulled my stomach around and felt disgusted. I started crying more and more until I was fully sobbing. I tried to walk back to my bed before sobbing loudly in pain, forgetting that I couldn't put weight on my leg. My mum called me for lunch but I didn't want to go. I pushed my mirror to the ground in frustration and just carried on crying to myself. Soon after I must have fallen asleep.

Greg POV
I could hear Vicki crying to herself in her bedroom. I wanted to go up and comfort her but her parents told me to leave her for a bit. Soon after I heard a loud bang and smash. I knew she had broken something and I really didn't want her to hurt herself. Claire and John told me she used to get like this sometimes and it is better to leave her. After around 30 minutes I heard the crying stop. I decided to go up and see her now. When I got to her bedroom I noticed she was asleep on her bed and her mirror was smashed on her floor. I noticed a small amount of blood on the sheets by her hand but just assumed that it was from her trying to pick up the glass.
I asked Claire for their hoover and cleaned up the mess ready for when Vicks woke up.

Collette's POV
I wake up slowly to the beeping of machines.

I try and look around but there are some blocks holding my head in place. I then try and speak and I can't. I start to cough heavily and some doctors came rushing in. They took a tube out of my mouth and throat and then take blocks away from my head, "Hello Miss Guitart, can you hear me?" I nod slowly, "Yh." I croak out.

They nod, "Good. Now you suffered some burns to the arms and legs. We have treated those, but you will need some special medications to make sure the burns heal properly and new skin grows. You will have to stay in a couple days, but then you should just take the medication and you should be fine." I nod,"And your vocal chords have been damaged badly from smoke inhalation, but they will heal in time." I nod again and lay there, "Is Micheal here?" I croak. They nod, "We will just bring him in for you." They say before walking out.

I wait a few minutes and he runs in and over to me, "Baby?! You ok?!" I nod, "Yh," I choke out, throat burning. He takes my hand in his and kisses my forehead gently, I smile, "Is everyone else ok?" I say before coughing violently. He rubs my back gently and holds me still. Eventually the coughing subsides and I lean back tiredly. "Yh, everyone else was alright. They have told me you have to have medication for the burns and only have soft foods, or blend food down into a smoothie to not agrivate your throat. And that has to happen until your throat is completely healed, and even then only introduce hard foods slowly." I nod, "And you can't sing either." I pout. Singing is my escape. At least I can do dancing, I guess. He sighs, "I'm sorry, but you gotta protect yourself. Ok?" I nod.

He then takes a seat on the visitors chair beside my bed. We hold hands and I drift off to sleep again, hoping it was all a bad dream, even though I know for certain it wasn't a bad dream at all.

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