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Collette POV

I woke up the next morning, a little earlier than normal. I want to make Michael breakfast.

I am making a fry up when I hear the shower running. I smile to myself and lay the table, making sure it is just right.

When he comes down, I serve the food, having it cooked to how he likes it. He smiles and thanks me before tucking in. I drink a cup of coffee next to him. He eats, holding my hand. I smile and drink silently.

I get a call from Courtney. She never calls unless it's important, so I pick up, "Courts?" I ask, she sighs, "Vicki's been stabbed." I swallow, shocked. "Just thought you should know. Can me and Eli come round yours while we wait?" I nod, "Yh, course " I say quietly, kinda shocked. "We will be over in 5." Courtney says before ending the call.

He looks to me, "Vicki's been stabbed, Courts and Eli are coming here til we get more news." I explain, he sighs, "oh gosh. I hope she's going to be ok." I sigh, "me too."

As I tidy up the plates, the door knocks. I open it and smile gently at the pair, "Hey." I move aside so they can come in. They follow me in and we sit in the living room, Eloise and Courtney cuddled together.

Michael walks in and sits down, enveloping me in his arms. I lean into him, getting comfy.

Soon Courtney's phone rings, she cautiously picks it up, "Yes, hi Greg," a pause, "Ok, how is she doing?" Another pause, "That's good! Is she allowed visitors?" Silence, "Mhm, me and Collette will be up in a bit." She nodded, "Yh, see you there soon. Thank you," pause, "Yh, you too, bye." She then hung up. "She's stable and has had an op to take the knife out. she's allowed two visitors plus Greg." I nod, "Ok," I turn to Michael and he nods, "Go see Vicki, send her my love" he says, still looking at me, eyes hard. I nod and get up to leave.

We walk into Vicki's cubicle, she looks tired and worn out. "Hey," we smile, talking in sync. She smiles weakly at us and waves tiredly. We sit next to her and talk to her about everything and anything.

The doctors come in and take Vicki for some more scans. Me, Courtney and Greg stay in the cubicle. "So what happened?" I ask Greg. He sighs. "Vicki wanted to get out of the house. I think she felt a little bit trapped if I'm honest. I didn't want her going on her own because of everything with her mental health so I said I would go with her. When we were out we decided on going for a drink. We went to our usual cafe for a takeaway drink. It was quite busy in there and Vicki didn't want to go in. So she waited outside on her own. I was inside ordering when I heard her scream. I immediately ran out and saw this man running away, Vicks lying on the floor holding her stomach in pain. I saw a knife in her stomach and immediately called an ambulance. And now we are here." Greg told us.

Vicki POV

I wake up and lie there in bed. I don't want to wake Greg up. I think about everything that has happened the past couple of days. I start to feel really anxious and my chest starts to get tight. I sit up and cautiously wake Greg up. He looks at me and I quickly sign 'help', my breathing getting quicker and quicker by the minute. He starts trying to calm me down but it isn't working. I start to feel sick. The next thing I know I'm throwing up. I hate when my anxiety does this to me. Greg cautiously picks me up and carries me into the bathroom. I start to slowly calm down and he runs me a bath. Slowly he undresses me and helps me into the bath. I sit in the bath for a while just staring blankly at the wall in front of me. He comes back in with some clean clothes for me to wear. He helps me out of the bath and into my clothes. He then says "you go downstairs. I'll clean up ok?" I nod my head and go downstairs into the kitchen. I look for some food for me to eat. I decide on a piece of toast. I quickly make it and look for a knife so I can cut it up. Then I remembered all of the knives are locked away for my safety so I eat the piece whole.

Greg comes downstairs with the sheets off the bed. I feel guilty. I should be cleaning up my mess, not him. I shake my head to myself. I sign to Greg 'i wanna go out.' he nods his head. " Ok. I'm coming with you though." I nod back and we both put our shoes on and leave, him locking the door behind us. I'm not allowed keys anymore. Just in case anything happens to my mental health.

We walk through town and go to our favourite cafe. It is really busy in there so I wait outside. Whilst I'm waiting I play a game on my phone. All of a sudden this man appears out of nowhere. He has a knife. A big knife. He lunges forward and the knife goes into my stomach. I scream and fall to the floor, holding my stomach in pain. I hear someone run out of the cafe. I guess it is Greg. I hear him shout for help. My vision starts to go blurry and I can't hear anything. Next thing I see is darkness.

I wake up and all I see is white. I hear some voices around me. I move my head slightly and see Greg. That's when I realise I am in hospital. I try and sit up. "No no stay still darling. You were stabbed in the stomach." He says. I nod my head and start to cry. I want to get back to dancing. Now I will have to wait even longer. The doctors come in. "It's nice to see you awake, Vicki. How do you feel?" I sign 'im ok it hurts though.' Greg translates for me. The doctor nods. "Ok we removed the knife and it seemed to have gone quite deep. We have booked you in for some scans so we can have a better look." I nod my head. The doctor leaves and then Courtney and Collette arrive.

We spend a few hours talking before they have to leave, and then it is just me and Greg. I end up listening to some music and slowly falling asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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