5: flashbacks

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I sit in the air balloon and think back on life. Back when everything I knew was.... this. Pop music. Fearing Bergens. You know, when I didn't have a choice. Well, this isn't much of a choice either, I just know there's more to life than jumping and singing happy songs. Because sometimes I just wasn't all that happy. I wanted to just scream at stuff sometimes. Other times I wanted to cry. But I couldn't tell Poppy that, she'd be so worried about me constantly and sometimes... I just wanted to be alone.

I had followed Poppy and Branch into the woods, towards Bergen town. I was scared. I was way too close to get captured last time not to be. I really didn't want to be in these woods right now. I wanted to be with dad, and Cooper and Chenille and Satin... but three of those said were captured and would be eaten if we didn't hurry. I wanted to be alone. But I was stuck with those two arguing bastards.
-Can you guys please just be quiet for five minutes!? I yell at them. They look shocked at me.
-Please, I say. They look confused at me as I stand up and walk over to a tree and sit down, knees to my chest.
-Hey... you ok? Branch walks over to me.
-Not really. I don't really wanna get eaten before my 21st birthday, I say grumpily.
-Yeah that would suck, Branch agrees. I shoot him a glance.
-Alright, sorry-ehm... I'm not that great at comforting. Maybe I should get Poppy instead, Branch turns to get her.
-No please! I object, and he turns back.
-She has enough on her mind, I don't want her to worry about me too, I say. Branch sits down hesitantly.
-So... what are you planning to do? He asks.
-Well... Hopefully my friends are still alive. We sneak in and out and we move. Then maybe, just maybe..., I pause and look to Poppy, who's pacing while looking at her arrangement of pictures of our friends.
-Everything can go back to normal, I sigh. Branch hums.

-I just wish nothing of this would've happened... maybe I'd be happy again, I say and I look at my hands as they turn slightly grey.
-Hey, I bet they're fine, Branch comforts. I look at him and my hands turn to my regular shade.
-Well lookie here at mr optimism. Didn't you say just 5 minutes ago that you'd bet your bunker on that they've already passed through and become fish food? I ask.
-Oh-erm, no I.... I did yeah, he sighs.
-But maybe I don't wanna be so mean when you're practically saying that you're sad? He says.
-And that doesn't happen a lot.... normally. So I wanna try for you... because you at least listen to my ideas, he grumps and I laugh.
-Well she's a stubborn one. Got that from dad, let me tell you, and I proceeded to tell him of my fathers crazy shenanigans at home.

Back to now:
I laugh at the memory.
-What's got you so happy? Poppy asks.
-Mmmmmmnothing. Just thinking of a joke Cooper told me, I lie.
-Ah, she says and sits down beside me.
-Well... you told me you were bored back at home? What about now? Does this shake things up? She asks.
-Yeah... I'm excited. I'd like to see how the other trolls are, I say.
-Yeah me too. I hope they like gummies, Poppy says and offers me some. I smile and pop one into my mouth.
-Yeah me too, I agree.
Suddenly, from my side view I see someone standing up.
-Biggie? I ask and stand up.
-Oh, hey queen Poppy and queen Y/N! He greets.
-what are you doing here!? Poppy asks.
-I saw the cotton candy and... well you know how I am with cotton candy, can't resist it. Now I'll just go home and- AAAAHHHG! Biggie screams as he sees that we are high high up in the air.
-Queen Poppy, what are you doing, where are we!? He protests.
-Biggie, don't worry, we're just going to help Barb plan the coolest world tour ever! Poppy cheers and me and Branch shake our heads behind her back.
-Oh ok.... Biggie says shakily. Poppy grabs his arm and sits down with him to calm him.
-So... Branch starts and I look at him.
-Your interested in the new trolls, you say? He asks and I roll my eyes.
-Yes, I confirm.
-Well when we find them, are you going to change? He asks.
-What? No! What makes you think that? I ask with a sinking feeling in my stomach.
-Well you said you were bored of it, life in pop village... I just thought that meant you wanted to get out of there, he says and shrugs.
-No no, I just... I say and look around to see if Poppy is listening in, but she's invested in Biggie.

-Can I be completely honest? I ask. Brand furrows his eyebrows, but nods.
-I'm tired of singing the same kind of happy music all of the time, I confess. His mouth hangs wide open.
-No way... the queen of pop is tired of pop, he says in disbelief.
-No I'm not tired of it, I just want a change of pace, that's all, I try to make it sound a bit milder but it's not working.
-That's not different at all! He says.
-Alright, I'm tired of pretending to be happy all the time. I want to be able to scream out some nonsense in song if I want to, but I don't know how. I wasn't taught that way, I explain.
-Oh... Well maybe we can find a troll that can help you, Branch says.
-I hope so, I sigh.

We stand in silence for a bit.
-So... when're you finally gonna get the guts to tell Poppy you like her? I tease, to release the tension. Branch's eyes widen and he hits my shoulder.
-SSSSSHHHHHHH! He hissed at me and I giggle.
-What scaredy pants? Scared of feelings? I tease a bit more. I can see him starting to turn absolutely red in the face and I wheeze.
-What're you guys joking about? Poppy jumps in and Branch screeches in surprise. His un-troll like sound make me double over and laugh even harder, making my stomach hurt.
-What's so funny? Poppy asks confused.
-Nothing! Branch squeals before clearing his throat and repeating the word in a much lower voice, making me continue to laugh and roll on the floor.
-Shut up, he hissed at me and lightly kicks my leg. I stand up, still giggling like a fool. Poppy and Biggie, as well as mr.Dinkles looks at us like we were crazy.
-Don't worry, it was just a extremely funny joke, I cover up and look challenging into Branch's eyes. He glares back at me.
-okeyyyyyyyy.... hey look we're almost there! Poppy drags out the word before focusing on the previous task ahead and my mind falls back in time once again.

We are stuck in a pot, along with all the other trolls. I was grey, totally grey. I have tears running down my face and I'm hugging dad.
-Dad... I'm scared, I shiver.
-I know Y/N, I know, It's ok, he pets my hair.
-Y/N I'm sorry... I just wanted to keep you safe. I let everyone down, Poppy says and turns grey too.
-I don't.... I don't like this. I don't like it being this way, I cry out.
Then I hear singing.
-You with the sad eyes...
I turn from my dad and I see Branch.
-Don't be discouraged, He sings to Poppy.

-Oh I realize, it's hard to take courage,
Poppy looks wondering at him, and so do I.
-In a world full of people, you can loose sight of it all, he sings and turns to me.
-The darkness inside you can make you feel so small.

Then I hear a pling. Then another one. And some more of them. It's our hug clocks. My clock shines in my face as I realize what he's trying to do.

-Show me a smile then. Don't be unhappy, can't remember when I last saw you laughing, Branch turns back to Poppy, who stands up slowly.

-If this world makes you crazy, and you've taken all you can bear: You call me up, because you know I'll be there, he continues.

-And I see your true colors shining through, Branch encourages, which makes Poppy turn to her regular pink again. I stand up and turn to them.
-I see your true colors, and that's why I love you, Branch sings and I smile. Poppy holds Branch's hand and he turns blue.
-So don't be afraid to let them show; your true colors, true colors are beautiful, Poppy sings happily as Branch turns blue, in a literal sense. We've only ever seen him grey but... this means he's happy again.

-I see your true colors shining through, they start singing in harmony and dancing away, making us all turn back to our colors.
-I see your true colors, and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid to let them show your true colors, and as they dance past me I turn to my own true colors.
-True colors are beautiful, I add and they stop dancing to look at me.
-Like a rainbow, I sing as I look to our friends. Poppy smiles and continues.
-Like a rainbow, she smiles and nods. Suddenly Cooper starts playing his harmonica. I look around and everyone's smiling at each other... and at us.

-What's gonna happen now, Princess Poppy and princess Y/N? A small troll asks.
-I don't know, Poppy says.
-But I know we're not giving up, I add and Poppy and Branch smile at me.

Back to now:
-Oh if I've only could've foreseen the future, I sigh as I look at the destroyed landscape in front of us. Big graffiti with "Rock n' roll rules" cover the mountains. Trees and other odd stuff are burning and many instruments lay on the ground, covered in dirt and soot. We hear some rustling and Branch jumps out in front of us.
-Come out, we're not dangerous! Poppy encourages.
-But we could be! Branch adds. I just look around.
How... could someone do this? How could they just do this without a bad thought in mind?
This troll, this... Barb, queen of rock... she's no one I'd want to mess around with.

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