45: Pride and other plans

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I wake up to my extremely early alarm. I groan but sit up and stretch as I start getting ready because today was a travel day. I've had a lot of those lately but this one is for a vacation and not business. I first get up and dress in the comfy clothes I'll be wearing throughout the travel and then put up my hair in some way. Then I go over to Barbs side of the bed and try to wake her up. I do this in many different ways but today I just shake her a bit so she's at least semi-conscious. When I get her to sit up I go brush my teeth, do my skincare routine and then pack everything I couldn't pack yesterday, before closing my bag up. My bag was filled with tons of fun colors this time. As Barb finally get up she walks over to me and leans onto me as she hugs me. I hug back as we are both really tired but know we'll be late to the festivities if we didn't leave on time. She kisses my forehead before she goes to brush her teeth, etc.

The sun is barely rising above the horizon as we meet our friends by the tour bus. Riff and his girlfriend, Carol and her partner, King Thrash, all people that we love and care for. Because that's what this trip is all about.
Everyone's basically wearing pajamas and their sleeping masks still as we board and get comfortable on the bus. Me and Barb immediately fall onto the couch, and start to cuddle. We have only shared a few words with each other this morning and don't plan on sharing many more as we begin to drift back off into sleep.

After we've slept and woken up once again, we've all changed and eaten breakfast, the sun now high up in the sky.
-Guys we're landing! Carol yells and we all run to the windows like little kids on christmas. In front of us was the town of lonesome flats, many different trolls walking around with one thing in common; they're all wearing rainbow.
-Y/N this is my first pride...! Barb whispers and grabs my hand.
-I know! I whisper back as I squeeze her hand. We land on firm ground and everyone starts getting all of their things.
-I'm so excited! Riff exclaims and his girlfriend kisses his cheek and he practically melts on the floor.
-Do you remember when you melted for me like that? I tease Barb.
-I still do, she smiles.
-But I was also very deprived of love, so, she says and I hit her jokingly and she chuckles and moves towards the opening of the bus. Barb opens up and the light flows in, smiling faces greeting us. Through the crowds we see Delta push through to get to us as we walk outside.
-Hello there strangers! Delta jokes before she hugs me and Barb.
-Hi Delta! How are you? I ask.
-I got some great news to share, Delta says. She then leaves us hanging and I anxiously wave my hand for her to continue talking. Another troll comes forward and she looks kinda familiar.
-This is my girlfriend, Alma! She's the girl from the boots store, Delta introduces us.
-That's where I recognize you from! I snap my fingers.
-Hi, she says nervously.
-Sorry, didn't mean to rush into it like that, I apologize.
-I'm Y/N, this is my girlfriend Barb, I introduce us.
-That right there is Riff and his girlfriend, who's Bi, and that's Carol and their partner, I continue.
-I have to say it's very nice to finally meet y'all for real, Alma says and she shakes everyone's hand.
-The pleasures all ours, Barb steps in.

-We got you the same cabin as last time, I hope it'll do, Delta says.
-That's more than enough, I say. As we walk towards our guest house we see that all surrounding houses have some sort of pride flag hung out in the open.
-Wow, things have really changed since last time, huh? Barb asks as we look around.
-Yeah we wanted to prove that the lonesome flats are more than just a homophobic country-hole. We're progressive too! Especially with all these new smartphone thingies coming out, Delta says proudly. Me and Barb see how Alma smiles up at Delta every time she speaks and we share a knowing look.
-Well here ya are folks, Delta says.
-Oh right, I forgot to tell you that Poppy and Branch are coming late, I say and turn around in the doorframe.
-We know, we got them the house to your right, Alma answers, making Deltas eyes sparkle a little extra.
-Thank you guys! You're the best! Riff exclaims from inside the house.
-You guys just make yourself feel at home and we'll see you for dinner, Eh? Delta asks.
-Will do, Barb says and salutes Delta.

-You saw that right? I ask as I step out of the bathroom, drying my hair.
-Yeah! Their town is so much bigger than last time, right? Barb says.
-No, about Delta and Alma! I laugh.
-Oh, oh them! Yeah, Barb says.
-Alma is as starstruck as you were at first when we started dating, I say and look at her.
-Well, as you still are... I add and she gives me a faked flabbergasted look.
-Not my fault that you're incredible stunning and... Barb walks up to me as I grab some new fresh clothes.
-Eye-catching, she smirks and I shove her off.
-Awww C'mon babe, c'mere, she grins and I throw a ball of socks at her.
-No! Stay back! I laugh.

At dinner:
-And that day I asked her to be my girlfriend! Delta says and we all awe at them.
-That's a beautiful love story! Poppy says and her eyes sparkle.
-How about you Barb? Alma asks Barb.
-Hmm? Barb reacts.
-How did you know Y/N was the one for you? She asks.
-Uhhhh... Barb says and looks at me.
-This should be fun to hear, I say.
-Well Uh, Barb stammers and becomes red in the face.
-You haven't told her? Delta asks.
-No, Barb says.
-Why? Delta asks again.
-Because it's embarrassing, she says and scratches her neck nervously.
-No, I'm sure it's not that bad, I say.
-Well... Barb says in a high pitched voice.
-Oh no Barb, everyone has shared, if even I can tell my story, you can too, Branch says.
-Ok, well it was right before the world tour finale... Barb looks nervously at me.
-I felt like I really had a friend to talk to and then she walked out in the killer outfit which Roff actually had made for her, Barb and I make eye contact and I smile at her and she cover her face.
-Stop looking at me, she says and everyone laughs.
-No no, it's ok to say that your girlfriend is sexy! Delta says proudly and holds her arm around Alma who kinda reclines in her chair.
-But in front of people? Barb asks.
-Yeah well, if you don't want to, I tease.
-Hey but now's your turn! Barb reminds everyone.
-Well hold up now-

Later that night:
-Barb I know I can be paranoid sometimes but you saw what Alma did at the dinner, right? I ask.
-When? Barb asks.
-When Delta made that "sexy girlfriend" comment? I ask.
-Yeah I did actually, Barb says.
-That's weird considering she didn't have a problem being called beautiful and stuff, she continues.
-I know... I just feel like something's off in their dynamic there. I wanna talk to her tomorrow, I say.
-But babe this week was our vacation from two weeks full of work, Barb whines.
-I know honey, but somethings off and I don't anyone feeling that way during pride, I say.
-Alright but if it's not something we can fix then we let it go, ok? Because I wanna spend some time kissing and hugging my girlfriend, Barb says.
-Ok, I promise, I laugh as Barb drags me onto the mattress of the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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