22: technical issues

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Two days later, Y/N POV
Barb and I arrive at vibe city and Barb looks astonished at the neon lights. I giggle as I take my helmet off and Barb looks at me.
-Heh... it's pretty once you take a minute, Barb says and we step off of the motorbeetle.
-Y/N! Poppy yells and runs towards me.
-Poppy! I yell back and we bump into each other. We laugh it off and hug each other tightly. I scrunch my face before I open my eyes and see Branch.
-You brought Branch!? I ask and pull away.
-Huh, oh yeah, Poppy says and turns around. Branch notices us and waves.
-Branch come here! I say and wave him over aggressively. He rolls his eyes but walks over and I engulf him in a hug.
-Omg it's been so long, I say.
-Y/N, it's been one and a half week, Branch says.
-It's the longest time we've been apart, Poppy says and I pull away from Branch.
-Hey pop trolls, Barb greets.
-Hey Barb! Poppy says and hugs her. Barb looks awkwardly at me and I shake my head.
When Poppy let's go, she claps her hands excitedly.
-Sup, Barb greets Branch.
-Hey, he nods back.
-Hey pop trolls, why are you multiplying? Someone asks and I turn around. It's king Trollex.
-Haha, very funny, I say sarcastically. Trollex laughs.
-Well, how are you? Trollex asks.
-I'm fine. Barb is making progress, I say.
-Oh Barb! Hey! Trollex says.
-Hey Trollex! I Uh I just wanna say- don't say anything, it's fine, Trollex interrupts Barb.
-No it wasn't ok, I'm sorry, Barb says.
-I appreciate it, Trolls says.
-Shall we move to the others? Trollex asks.
-Yeah sure! Good idea, Poppy says and we start walking to the big meeting room where all the leaders are talking.
-Hey guys, everyone's here! Poppy announces and everyone looks at us. I greet everyone but stay at queen Delta.
-Hey I'm still so sorry I left you to fend for yourself, I apologize.
-Hey it's fine, you made up for it, Delta jokes and I blush sheepishly.
-Besides, you and your girlfriend seems to fix things pretty quickly, Delta says.
-I'm sorry, my what? I interrupt her.

Barb POV:
I stop in the conversation I'm in when I hear Y/N and Delta talk. More specifically, Delta called me Y/N's girlfriend.
-Barb are you ok? Poppy asks.
-Hmmm? Oh yeah I'm fine just... nervous, I fake an apology.
-Understandable, Poppy says.
-Ooo! Snacks! Poppy trails off and runs to the table. I stay with Trollex and Branch but I listen more to Y/N's conversation than theirs.
-No no no, I- we, no we're friends, Y/N says.
I blush.
-Really? You sure? Delta asks.
-Yep I'm sure! Y/N laughs nervously. My stomach drops. Why is my body doing this?
-Huh. Because you seem really close. I'm just very surprised, Delta says.
-Oh? Well... Y/N trails off and I smile to myself. She was too sweet to say we weren't together. Oh my....

-Ok everyone let's settle down! Queen Essence says. I start settling down in the seat near at me and Y/N sits next to Poppy across the round table. She looks up and sees me, and smiles. A warm feeling fills my chest and I wanna giggle. Why do I wanna giggle? I never giggle. I smile back at her and her nose scrunches up. My face turns red.
-So we've noticed that we have different technical advancements in our tribes, Essence says.
-Yeah how's that? Queen Delta asks.
-I mean we've all practically lived the same lives, she continues.
-Well not really, I live in the water, Trollex responds.
-And we grew up in a forest, Poppy says.
-And we live in a spaceship, Quincy says.
-Well hot diggity, I didn't think about that now did I? Delta chuckles.
-We just don't know each other well enough to know this stuff that's all, Y/N says.
-Yeah. And it would be easier for all of us if we all had the same possibilities to communicate, Prince D agrees.
-Wait, we don't ? Trollex asks.
-No. When we planned this meeting we just realized that the pop trolls doesn't know what a phone is, I explain.
-What's a phone? Poppy, Branch, Delta and Trollzart says in choir.
-Exactly, Y/N confirms.
-Proves your point, Trollex nods impressed.
-So we would like to share it all with each other. Maybe even offer some advancements, Essence says.

-Well first of all, what's a phone? Trollzart asks.
-Well this is the model of phone we use, Quincy says and pulls forward an old flip phone.
-Wow! I haven't seen these in forever, I laugh.
-Well what model do you have? Essence asks. I pull out my phone. And I have to admit it's pretty broken and not the newest version but it functions.
-We call it a smartphone since it does everything. Call people, message people, take photos, watch videos... you can do anything on this thing, I explain.
-Oh wow! Poppy gasps.
-What's calling? She then asks.
-Its if I have a phone and you have a phone, we can talk verbally in real time even though we're in completely different places, Trollex says.
-At any distance? Branch asks.
-Oh yeah you can be thousands of miles apart, Prince D says.
-Huh, that's neat, Branch nods.
-I believe my model of phone is close to yours but we have an AI akin ours that can do stuff for us if connected to bluetooth, Trollex says to me.
-Blue what now? I ask.
-Why would your phone connect to a blue tooth? Y/N asks and Trollex laughs.

-Ok listen I think we might be taking too big of a step here, Essence says.
-Our phone can only call and message people, Quincy says.
-It has numbers and letters on buttons so if you want to message someone you have to press the button multiple times, Essence says.
-Well our phones are pretty thin and they don't fold. Everything you need is on the screen. That's where you press in the password and numbers and letters, I explain and show on my phone.
-Same here, Trollex agrees.
-Well maybe that's more practical than this, Quincy laughs and wiggles his phone.
-The only difference between our phones is Bluetooth, Trollex says.
-Ok you keep saying it, what's Bluetooth? Delta asks.
-Well it's like calling but between different devices. Let's say you have a lamp. With Bluetooth you can connect to that lamp and turn it on and off and dim it however you'd like, Trollex explains. Everyone "oh"s at the technical wonders of Bluetooth.
-Well I guess we all have to take a look at an advancement of the phone, Essence says.
-Mom I want Bluetooth! Cooper excitedly says.
-Honestly I think it would be good for all of our tribes. Especially us and for our communication, Y/N says.
-You're right. Sending letters everywhere isn't practical, Essence says.
-Well how does this phone thing work? Trollzart asks. Y/N looks to me and smiles. I look wondering at her and she nods towards Trollex. Me and Trollex make eye contact.
-Well I guess we have to start without Bluetooth since that's a whole other spectrum, Trollex says.
-So, Barb, teach us how to use the phone, Delta says. I grin.

I learnt a lot that afternoon. How to use a phone, how to make profiles on different kinds of media, etc. Barb was actually a really good teacher, and could explain it all without missing a beat. She really knew this by heart.
-And if you have to restart it, which you have to do every once in a while, especially when it's this old, Barb says and holds in a button and counts to ten.
-You just do that, and it closes. Then you wait about a minute and you can turn it back on again in the same way, Barb says.
-Well I can see many of us are already excited to have their own phone, Essence laughs at her husbands expression. He was absolutely starstruck and his eyes were twinkling with stars as he looked at the phone.
-Well maybe we have to build companies. Maybe make our existing ones work together, Trollex suggests.
-Well I'd say to let the ones who knows the phone make it, I say.
-I agree, my people would find it hard to one day hoisting bulls with a rope and the next fiddle with those small buttons, Delta says.
-Well it would make production go faster, Essence ponders.
-But what about Bluetooth? Trollzart asks.
-Well we could pause that production for now until we've all learned how it works, Trollex laughs sheepishly.
-Sounds good to me, I say.
-Well what are we waiting for? I want one! Quincy says and everyone laughs.

-Well what do ya say, should we head home? I ask Barb.
-Yeah sure, let me text dad to ask what he wants for dinner, Barb says and tries to open her phone. But when the screen doesn't turn on, she gets confused and tries again. And again. And again. She becomes frustrated and holds the phone in some kind of a choking hold. I quickly take the phone from her hands.
-The stupid thing won't turn on, she says. I take a look and try for myself.
-Well it looks very broken. Why don't you get a new one? I ask.
-I don't know, Barb shrugs.
-Okay, well... what do you say if we swing buy a phone store and buy you a new one and... maybe we can buy one for me? I ask. Barb lights up.
-Yes! That's the best idea ever! Barb exclaims and I put on my helmet.
-Well I am occupying the spot as your background picture, I say and blush.

Barb POV:
Y/N wants to be my background picture? Neat. Then I can see her everyday on my phone. My face becomes red and I blush as I take my spot on the motorbeetle and Y/N behind me. I blush even more as she puts her arms around me. Why wouldn't I stop feeling giddy about this? She's my best friend and she really understands me and I- oh... oh no.
No no no no no! I like her!

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