29: I'm coming out

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Barb POV:
I sigh as Y/N picks up from another late night in the living room. If it was me, I'd just leave it for a week and then pay someone, but... watching Y/N take initiative makes me wanna do stuff like that... like... I cleaned my room last night just so that Y/N would feel more comfortable. Well most of my dirty laundry I stuffed into my closet again so now I don't know what's nasty or not. But I don't care. It was nice. We had a movie marathon in the living room and then went to my room to play some music I've been working on. And then we just fell asleep. In my bed... completely platonic. Well not totally I mean we're girlfriends now and I should stop rambling.
Y/N Turns around and looks surprised at me and smiles, junk and candy wrappers in her hands.
-Oh hey Barb! You're up early, you usually sleep until like noon, it's just like 10:30am? She says and quickly walk over to the trash can and throw everything in there.
-Well it turned cold and I kinda woke up when you woke up and couldn't really fall back asleep- you had to go to the toilet and you were already dressed, she cuts me off.
-Yep, that's it, I point at her.
-Well good for you, I was just going to make some nice breakfast and turn the tv on. You wanna join me? She asks and I blush.
-Sure, I say and smile like a school girl.

I made us breakfast and left some out for king Thrash that usually takes his noon nap after his first morning toilet break. I turned on some weird reality show.
-Why are there paintings in the bathroom- WHY IS HER HAIR HIGHER THEN MY UNCLE? Barb screams at the tv and throws bread towards the tv. I laugh as the dry bread hits the television and the women on tv start a cat fight.
-You know, this is not how I pictured a relationship with you going, I laugh.
-Oh yeah? Barb grins.
-Why? She leans in and releases a harsh breath in my face. I giggle.
-Well... I start.
-What're you guys talking about? King Thrash rolls into the living room with his breakfast. Me and Barb jump away from each other as he looks our way.
-Nothing dad, Barb excuses and we both blush brighter than a ripe tomato.
-Hey that hair is higher than my brother! King Thrash points at the tv and takes a bite out of his sandwich.
-Hey that's what I said! Barb snaps her fingers and I roll my eyes humorously.

A day later:
-Hey Y/N, just saw some pop troll on instroll, something called the "pocky challenge"? So I bought some and I wanna try it! Barb runs into my room excitedly.
-You wanna do the pocky challenge? I ask, putting my phone away.
-Yeah! She says, already opening the package.
-Aaahhhhh Barb I don't know it's veeeery intimate, I grin with butterflies going off.
-Well maybe that's why I wanna try it, Barb winks and stick out her tongue and grabs a pocky and hands it to me.
-Ok, I giggle and put it inbetween my lips. I then lean towards her. She bites the first little bit off and then I go and so on and so forth. As we get close to the middle, our lips are extremely close and I feel her getting nervous.
-You sure you wanna continue? I tease, muffled by the pocky in my mouth.
-Yeah, yeah I'm good, Barb answers shakily and swallows thickly before she makes her move. Suddenly the door slams open and once again we jump apart. Barb with a huge blush on her ears and cheeks, and me with a big smirk on my face. We watch as a confused Riff stands in the doorway.
-Uh hey? He asks.
-S-sup man? Barbs voice cracks up but she clears it. I finish the pocky by myself.
-Uh I just wanted to say that you're late for your session, we're waiting on you, Riff says.
-Oh shit! Me and Barb both exclaim and jumó out of bed, grabbing mics and guitars on the way out. Riff runs ahead and we walk quickly behind him.
-That was really close, right? Barb asks.
-Uh-Huh, I agree and we walk ahead.

Two days later:
-uuuugh honestly I JUST want to chill with my girlfriend right now, Barb mutters to herself as I look up from my place on her bed.
-Luckily for you I am right here, I smile. Barb looks surprised at me before she smiles.
-Yes! She grins and hops onto the bed beside me. We laugh and we adjust so that we lay down beside each other.
-This is crazy.... I actually have a girlfriend, Barb sighs. Suddenly a gasp is heard from my phone.
-You do!? Poppy squeals on FaceTime.
-Oh, hey Poppy, you're back! I say, sweating profusely.
-And just in time I heard! Who's the girl? Poppy asks Barb.
-Well, you- you don't know her, I interrupt.
-Oh! Well you'll have to introduce us when we come visiting the next time, Poppy says.
-Introduce us to who? Branch walks in frame.
-To Barbs girlfriend! Poppy reveals.
-Oh that's awesome, congrats! Branch says.
-Thanks dude, Barb says and we share a nervous look.
-Uh yeah I gotta take a shower, I probably stink, Barb excuses and Poppy and Branch wave her goodbye.
-Bye Barb, Poppy says. I watch as Barb opens the bathroom door and turns on the hot water, as she usually does, before she start looking for some fresh clothes in her drawers and closet.
-Hey Y/N, since Barb's in the shower I have to say I'm sorry that someone else could take her before you could. How are you coping? Poppy asks and I see Barb turn around in my side view. She grins at me and I smile knowingly.
-I'm surprisingly okay with it, I say and and Barb grins.
-You sure? I know you have a huuuuge crush on her, Poppy says and I can feel Barbs ego grow tenfold.
-Yes, Poppy, I am completely fine, I try to stop myself from laughing.
-I know you laugh to hide your emotions. I'll send you a breakup package even though it's not technically a breakup, hold on, Poppy says and stands up from her place and I see the camera shake as she grabs a small box from her shelf.
-You prepared a package for me!? I ask. Barb has at this point gone into the shower and started washing herself.
-Of course I did. I even made one for myself in case of emergency. But in this package there's some soda, some snacks and candy of course and possibly some candles and bath stuff, Poppy says. I laugh.
-I'll send Debbie to get it, I say and Debbie heard me and flies from her cage, out the window.
-Thanks Poppy but I am truly fine, I say.
-Well I don't believe you, so I'll send it anyway. And if you don't need it maybe you'll give it to Barb, even though I don't think she'll appreciate the glittery bath bomb, Poppy says and puts the package on her table.
-Thanks Poppy... well I think duty calls, I say as Barb steps out the bathroom again.
-Alright! Goodbye sis, talk to ya later! Poppy says and I hang up. I then put down my phone and hang my head, cringing at myself.
-I think you handled that very well, Barb teas s and plops down beside me.
-Oh wow, thanks, I say sarcastically and glare playfully at her.

A week later:
Me and Barb are hiding in her room again.
-Do you think anyone knows? Barb asks.
-Knows what? I ask.
-Well for one, that I'm gay. Secondly, that we're dating, Barb sits up.
-I definitely think that Riff has some suspicions, I say.
-Probably... he knows too much in general, Barb shrugs and lays down, looking up.
-But... if you were to come out... do you think that your people would... accept you? I ask nervously.
-Oh yeah, that's not the part I'm worried about. I mean we have a gay bar two blocks away, Barb says and I shrug, very impressed at that fact.
-Well then what are you worried about? I ask.
-The fact that it's you I'm dating, Barb says and I furrow my brows.
-Now don't get me wrong, I am not embarrassed of you in any way, but I'm scared that if the other rockers know that I'm dating the queen of pop, then... she trails off.
-I know how they hold a grudge, Barb sighs.
-Why are we talking about this? I ask.
-Because I'm tired of living like this, hiding behind that door out there! Barb says and points outside.
-I want everyone to know that you're mine, because I'm happy with you. And just in case I snap and decide to ruin the world again... they know who to call, Barb jokes and I smile.
-Don't say that, I say.
-I'm happy with you too... but the thought of telling people, it's... terrifying. There's never been another inter-genre couple before... it's scary, I admit.
-Well you have me, and I'll always protect you, Barb says.
-Oh stop it, that's so cheesy, I laugh and shove her gently.
-Meh, I try, She shrugs jokingly and I hit her arm.
-But I guess... if you wanna tell them, we could, she says. She grabs my hand and smiles sincerely at me.
-Really? I ask hopefully after a long silence.
-Yeah. Whatever you want to do, we'll do, she says.
-Ok. But how? I ask.
-Well I don't know, was hoping you'd know, Barb laughs.
-Well... I think I have an idea, I say. Barb nods for me to go ahead.

(Cue I'm coming out)
Me and Barb get dressed in nice clothes. It's date night... in public. We put on our nice jackets and shoes and Barb holds out her hand towards me and I look at it, before looking at her eyes. She nods in confidence and I smile back and grabs her hand. She interlocks our fingers and we head out. We walk down the street, hands swinging between us as we walk smiling down the street. Rock trolls stare at us in surprise and kids point in wonder. I nudge Barb in pure excitement, we were actually doing this.

-I'm coming out, I sing, nodding to the beat.
-I want the world to know, got to let it show, I slide on the ground and Barb stumbles as I do as we are still holding hands.
-I'm coming out, Barb joins me as people start taking photos.
-I want the world to know, Got to let it show, she hops in a puddle and it splashed onto me and I laugh.
-There's a new me coming out, And I just have to live, Barb sings.
-And I wanna give, I sing back.
-I'm completely positive, Barb agrees.
-I think this time around, I am gonna do it, I say hopping up on a ledge.
-Like you never knew it, I shout and hop off of it.
-Oh I'll make it through, Barb says.
-The time has come for me, To break out of the shell, I nudge Barb towards her people who are whispering amongst each other.
-I have to shout, I'm coming out! Barb exclaims and loud cheers are heard from the crowd that had built up around us.
-I knew it! I hear Riff shout from the crowd. He has a huge smile on his face and beside him stands a mother with 2 children, all of which are applauding and whistling at us.
-Well that wasn't so bad, I breathe out.
-Told you. Now let's go before we're late to the reservation, Barb says, takes my hand and drags me through the crowd and towards the restaurant.

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