16: the flop

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"What are you doing!?" I mouth to them.
Biggie looks terrified at me.
"Do something!" I mouth as I start noticing
that Barb's getting suspicious. Guy diamond
shrugs slightly with a scared look on his face.
Biggie starts sweating. I point to my guitar and
mouth excessively: "Barracuda"

Biggie throws up his hand, with an extremely small guitar in his hand, and screams:
-Barracuda! With his tongue sticking out, before smashing the guitar into bits. The others look completely terrified of him. "Oh he's done for..." I think and smack my hand against my forehead. But the crowd starts cheering again and I remove my hand, looking astonished out into the crowd. Barb laughs and stands back up, throwing a rock hand up into the air.
I grin at her. I didn't know what her plan was more than converting everyone into Rock music.
Barb walks to the edge of the stage and makes a big gesture, throwing her mic into the crowd. Fake lightning lights up the arena and the string guitar is brought down to Barb. She grins into the crowd, who is more crazy than before. I can feel her ego swelling from where I'm standing and I don't like this. I watch as Cooper and the look alike gets brought to the front of the crowd by a couple of rock trolls. My heart aches. I don't want them to suffer.

-Give it up for your former leaders! Barb shouts.
-Funk, country, techno, classical! Barb mentions to them all and spotlights light them up as they stand on pedestals in the middle of a lava sea.
-And worst of all; Pop! Barb mentions to above me and I look back. The cage turned out to be a tooth in the mouth of the creature we came down from. Poppy looks terrified down at us.
-Luckily for us, one of the pop queens had surrendered to us, Barb says and mentions for me. I get cheers from the crowd. I smile, making a grand gesture and bowing, looking up once again to grin. Barb grabs a fancy pick from the guitar and I see dad in the front of the crowd too. He looks terrified at Poppy, then down at me.
-Who wants to see what the ultimate power chord can do? Barb teases the crowd. I stand back up as Barb backs towards me. She nods and points the guitar at Poppy up in the cage.
She starts ripping the guitar and I look nervously up at Poppy. And just before Barb is about to strike a chord, a book hits her in the face. Everyone gasps. I look further up into the sky and see Branch with a bunch of other trolls in the air balloon. I smile but quickly hide it as Barb throws the book away. She glares up into the sky and sees the same thing as I do.
-Hah! I guess a giant comprehensive manual does come in handy! Branch shouts and adjusts a captains hat on top of his head.
-Look at that! Just in time! Tiny diamond says.
-Branch! Poppy exclaims happily. I wanted to do the same but it would blow my cover.
-Well isn't that puke. Poppy's little boyfriend came to crash the concert! Barb says, trying hard to hide her nervousness for the situation. I back a couple of steps, gripping my guitar tightly.
-Too late Branch! She yells at him and point the guitar back at Poppy.
-Wait! Branch starts but Barb rips the chord. Branch hops out of the balloon and swings in the way of Poppy's cage. I could almost faint. She... she hit Branch.

A lump of stone hits the ground and Barb sneaks closer. Suddenly it starts to crack. I stare with a look that said that I might as well had seen a ghost. The stone breaks apart and out come a Branch with tattoos and a mullet.
-Branch? Poppy whispers.
-Rock on! He yells and throws up a rock sigh with his hand. The crowds go ballistic and my heart starts beating harder in my chest. If that was what she was gonna do to them... what's she gonna do to me?
-Oh sick! It totally works! Barb laughs happily.
-Who's ready to get rippin' tattoos everywhere but our face in case we still need to get office jobs!? Branch says and a couple of trolls screams louder than the rest.
-You're turning everyone into rock zombies? Poppy asks. Barb starts playing a tune on the guitar as someone straps her onto a hook.
-Yep, everyone but your sister! Can't wait to Party with you Poppy! She says. She backs up and sends me a wink, totally ignoring my terrible cover up of a stone cold face. She lifts from the ground. The pyrotechnics follow her as she blasts the chord into all of the leaders, turning them into hard rockers. Ok Y/N, breathe. Just... Don't freak out, you're not gonna get hit by the chord... yet.

Barb lands back on stage.
-Duuude, I hear Riff say. He looks just as scared as I felt. Branch stares soullessly at Barb. Suddenly I hear the metal door of the cell open and I look up. So does Barb.
-Not so fast Popsqueak, Barb says and Poppy looks terrified down at Barb. She just got caught in the act.
-Hey boy toy, Barbs pupils gets smaller and smaller and she looks more and more insane as she addresses Branch.
-It's mullet time! She says. Branch looks to Poppy and just as she's about to make a jump for the air balloon, Branch gets her with his mullet. I clench my jaws. Why was Barb doing this? I look over at her and she stares towards Poppy. Barb starts ripping the chord and I see tears falling from Poppy's cheek just before she's hit. Another lump of rock hit the ground and then breaks. I wanted to gasp... but the sight I saw was far more terrifying than that.

Out comes a Poppy with black striped hair.
-Who wants to party!? Without smiling? She glares out into the crowd. Barb only laughs like a maniac. I look at her expectantly. She looks back at me and down at her guitar.
-Finish them off, she throws her guitar at me and I drop mine to catch that one. I look up at her, with furrowed brows. She then extends a hand out towards Cooper and his look alike.
I grin. I grin a grin with as much evil as I can muster up. This was it. My time to shine.
I start ripping up the guitar, my fingers dancing over the strings. As I walk up stage I extend my tongue and then lean down onto the floor to walk like a bridge as I continue playing the notes before I stand up once again, pointing the guitar directly at them. They both look terrified at me. Their souls left their bodies, I was sure of it. But this was all a wonderful part of the plan.

I wink and smile at them... Before pointing the guitar straight at Barb, the energy of the strings filling the guitar. All it would take was one strike with the pick. Barb looks to me and then her grin wiped off into shock.
-What are you doing!? You're supposed to be a rock troll! You're supposed to be my friend! She says aggravated.
-We just have different types of showing it then, I say.
-Give me that! Her feeling of betrayal are covered up with anger. Just like always.
-I can't let you do this to anyone else! A world where everyone looks the same and sounds the same? That's not harmony!, I say. Barb turns shocked.
-A-and what friend turns their friends twin into a rock zombie, huh!? I ask. She looks confused and sad.
-Hey Barb! Riff says. The spotlights turn to him.
-Hi, he waves.
-Maybe queen Y/N has a point? If we all look the same, act the same, dress the same, how will anyone know we're cool? Or something? Riff says unsure. But what he said made sense. He was the second person to ever go against the queen of rock. Barb looks thoughtfully onto the ground and then up at me again. Mumbles start spreading around the arena, instead of cheers.
-A good queen listens... I say, and look at Poppy. Somehow, when I look into her eyes it was as if she was still there.
-I'm sorry Poppy, I say as I become emotional. Then I look back at Barb, who's ready to jump me.
-Real harmony takes lots of voices, I say as I start to back away as her eyes become manic again and she starts walking towards me. I look behind me for a split second before continuing in the direction. I jump away as she hops for me.
-Different voices! I shout as I run further upstage and slam the guitar onto the ground. The crash makes a huge rainbow wave over the arena, blinding and deafening everyone for a moment.

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