Part 18 (full)

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Jimin's POV
Yoongi and I stayed at the park all day walking and talking and it started to get dark so we decided to head to yoongi's house I got a little nervous as we pulled up, it was a nice looking house it was really big for one person. We were sitting in his theater watching a couple of movies when he decided to watch fifty shades of grey so we got in a comfortable position cuddling my ass right on his dick but we didn't think like that in the beginning

It was at the sex scene and I started shifting uncomfortably "ahh- stop moving jimin" yoongi said grabbing my hips but I had to get comfortable so I moved my ass up against him some more then I was comfortable his hands tightened on my waist as he moved some then I felt it he was hard I could feel him grinding on my ass a little and felt his breath on my neck then I got an idea and started grinding my ass on him

⚠️ SMUT WARNING !!! ⚠️
"Fuck jimin stop moving" yoongi moaned but I just smirked and straddled his lap lifting my skirt he changed before the movie he was in shorts so he could tell me pretty well I had on lace panties

The panties ^^While grinding on him i realized he didn't have underwear on so I slipped his shorts off and his member sprang out and I removed my panties and he turned me around and stuck his finger in me to stretch me out "ahh- shit yoongi" I moa...

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The panties ^^
While grinding on him i realized he didn't have underwear on so I slipped his shorts off and his member sprang out and I removed my panties and he turned me around and stuck his finger in me to stretch me out "ahh- shit yoongi" I moaned as he added more fingers "nghh~ m-more please more" after I said that yoongi put mfs on my knees infront of him I took his cock and put it in my mouth " f-fuck baby just like that" yoongi moaned as i took him all the way in choking a little the grabbed a handful of hair I look up at him and we make eye contact he buck his hips and started mouth fucking me "mmmm~" I moan sending vibrations to his cock making him cum down my throat "fuuuck~ baby"

Author's POV
After yoongi came jimin gladly swallowed it yoongi grabbed a condom and slid it on before slamming into jimin not letting him adjust at all
"Ahhhh~~ SHIT YOONGI~" jimin screamed scratching yoongi's back while yoongi leaves hickeys all over his neck "fuck baby boy your so fucking tight~" yoongi said still pounding into jimin. Yoongi put his hand on jimins neck choking him knowing jimin love the pain (has a pain kink I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ sorry) jimins eyes rolled to the back as he starts to drool yoongi let's go of jimins neck and goes to kiss him ( wiping the drool off of course) "nghh~ y-yoongi I'm going to cum ahh~" jimin moaned "hold it" yoongi growls jimin starts biting yoongi's neck so he could hold it till he couldn't anymore "cum for me baby" yoongi said and jimin didn't hesitate and came all over his torso yoongi soon followed and took off his condom putting it in the trash "I'm hungry" jimin said laying down panting yoongi chuckled and helped jimin put his panties on "do you want to shower while I make some dinner you can borrow some of my clothes" yoongi said sitting jimin on his lap "chef min making me dinner I feel honored haha yea where's your room" "two doors down on the right" yoongi said standing up walking to the kitchen

Time skip
Yoongi finished cooking and walked to his room he sees jimin in a towel looking for something to wear " you should drop the towel and look in the bottom drawer of my dresser" yoongi said with a smirk "shit yoongi you scared me" jimin said and yoongi walked closer to him and back hugged him while swaying their hips "the food is done just wear my other black hoodie" yoongi said letting go of jimin about to leave the room "when you ready come down and eat dinner and hurry before I gets cold" jimin nodded grabbing the hoodie he wore the hoodie and went to go eat
(It's currently 3:50am so if the last sentence doesn't make since I blame my sleepiness 😴)

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