Part 24

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Authors POV
It's the day of the fan meet and jimin, taehyung, jungkook, jin, namjoon, hobi, and yoongi were all there they could hear their fans having conversations. Every one was backstage getting to know each other but yoongi was trying to do something else

Jimins POV
We were all introducing ourselves getting comfortable with each other when I feel something poking my ass I look back to see yoongi smirking "meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes" yoongi whispered then left not forgetting to grab my ass.

I look at everyone seeing if they were paying any attention to what just happened but they were all in their own world " I'm going to the restroom really quick ok" I say backing away slowly "oh do you want me to come with you" taehyung say (as he should) "no no it's fine I can go by myself" I laugh nervously then fast walk to the bathroom to yoongi.

Once I'm in the bathroom I'm immediately pin on the wall I let out a Yelp once I feel them kiss my neck "what took you so long" yoongi says
"I-it wasn't that l-long whats wrong" I kept cursing at myself for stuttering so much until I felt lips on my neck and something hard on my thigh "y-yoongi we have a fan meet in a few minutes" "I'll be quick I promise" and with in a blink of an eye We're naked legs around his waist with my back against the wall.

Yoongi inserted two fingers and started scissoring me "ahh~ mngghh hyung p-please~
"Please what" "just fuck me already" and with that he takes his fingers out and thrusts into me hard at a fast pace "shut your so tight you feel soo g-good hmm~" yoongi says picking up his pace going faster "ahh~ hyung w-wait to much mmnghhaahh~ FUCK!!" I say then cum all over our torso

Authors POV
After jimin came yoongi kept thrusting making jimin shake from overstimulation "fuck I'm close" yoongi says feeling jimin tighten around him. Yoongi starts sucking on jimins collarbone after a few more thrust yoongi came inside of jimin (damn pregnancy 🤦🏽‍♀️) and rested his head on jimins shoulder.

"Hyung we need to get cleaned up so we can go it's almost time to go" jimin says caressing yoongis head. Yoongi pulled out of jimin holding his waist to let him get dressed " you ok can you walk" yoong said with a concern look "yea I'm fine thanks" jimin said but what he wanted to say was "no I can't fucking walk you just fucking wrecked me my ass hurts my legs a numb I can't feel them at all I'm shaking like hell so no bitch I can't walk 😤😤" but he didn't.

They got dressed and walked back to their friends ready to go on stage "where were you two we were waiting" jin said looking between the both of them "I got lost on the way to the bathroom and met yoongi hyung on the way so we went  look together 😅😅" jimin said nervously laughing making everyone suspicious but they just shook it off and when on stage.

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