Part 32 (full/ emotional yoongi)

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Authors awww POV
Jungkook heard everything he was in the room with jin listening to the conversation he knew what namjoon was trying to say and he was right so when jin hung up on namjoon,
jungkook decided to do something "you know he's right jin" "yea but what if yoongi really hurts jimin I can't let that happen" jin said worried "I'll talk to yoongi if he seem like he means it and wants to be in jimin and the babies life then I'll try and make it happen" jin knowing how overprotective jungkook is over jimin now agreed he just wanted what was best for jimin and he knew jimin needed someone so jungkook texted yoongi

Yoongi🖤💪🏼: ok that's fine

Time skip (the next day at the cafe)
Jungkook decided to bring the ultrasound photos to give to yoongi, he had a copy of them because he always went with jimin to his appointment and he wanted yoongi to have them.
Jungkook's POV
I was sitting in the cafe waiting for yoongi when I heard the door bell ring indicating some one came in I look up to see yoongi coming to me "hey jungkook it's nice to see you after all these months" yoongi said "yea it's been a while" it was getting kinda awkward now until yoongi started talking "h-how's jimin a-and the baby" "their good jimins in his second trimester the baby doesn't really kick for anyone but me jimin and jin" I chuckled thinking of how Tae was throwing a tantrum "you wanna see his ultrasound pictures" I said softly smiling at how yoongis face lit up "yes please" I handed him the photos while I pulled up a video on my phone "I have videos of when we listened to his heart beat wanna see" I said smile seeing how excited yoongi was "your so fucking amazing could I please see the video"

Yoongis pov
Jungkook gave me his phone and I played the video the first thing I seen was the most beautiful person in the world park jimin he looked so nervous I wish I could have held his hand through the phone "would you like to hear the baby's heartbeat" I heard I'm guessing the doctor say "yes please" I heard the sweetest voice say then I heard it the healthy and strong heartbeat of our son tears unconsciously fell down my cheeks in the video I could see jimin crying saying how happy he was and couldn't wait tell me a mama the video ended and I gave jungkook back his phone " there's another video I want to show you" jungkook said handing me his phone again " it's a video of Jimin singing to the baby" I played the video and heard jimins beautiful voice (The song up top) when he finished I heard him say "I love you so much I love you and your appa but things didn't go as planned so now it's you,me, uncle kookie,uncle Tae Tae, uncle Jin and, uncle hobi and we all love you sooo much" jimin said wiping his tears

I feel jungkook wipe my tears I look up at him and said " but I love them to it's not fair I want to be their and take care of jimin through this I wanna talk to my son and feel him kick I want to pick up any of jimins weird cravings at anytime of the day I would do anything to be there kook please help me be their" tears running down my face jungkook got up to hug me " I will hyung I want to help you I'll try hard I can see you want to be in their life and I want you there to and I'll help as much as I can"

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