part 41

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❤️ 💬 ↗️ 24

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Can't wait to be a favorite uncle💜💜
Tagged: @parkchimin✔️ @agustd.official✔️

@parkchimin✔️ I'm due anytime now so be ready yeon😁💜💜

@taelian✔️ naw fuck all of that who says you'll be wonnies favorite uncle🤬🤬

@soobunny just wait til it's our turn babe🤗

@agustd.official✔️ @soobunny Which is no time soon imma keep an eye on you😑😑👁️👁️

@yeonjunnie @agustd.official come on yoongs really I know we got close and all but you don't have to act like my dad I'm ✨GROWN✨ 🙌🏻

Tap to read all comments.....


Ok that's all for today 💜💜

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