Part 35

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Yoongis Pov

"Let's go hyung" jungkook said get up from the table "where are we going kook" I said said slowly getting up going to my car "just follow me and you'll see I'm going to make things right" kook said shutting his door and starting the car.

Time skip

After a while we parked in front of this blue house "come on just stay behind me" I was confused of what Jungkook was doing but I listened anyways as we got into the house I heard the most lovely voice talking. " hey babyboy I can't wait for you to be born just know I love you so much and I'll do anything for you to feel safe and loved." hearing g him say that brought tears to my eyes "hey Jimin how are you feeling" Jungkook said softly just as Jimin was about to say something he caught sight of me and he froze after a while Jimin stood up and start swinging at Jungkook. "what the fuck is he doing here." I brought him to talk to you!!." " YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE WHAT FUCKING DRUGS ARE YOU TAKING I COULD Kill YOU RIGHT NOW!!." not knowing what to do I gently grabbed Jimin watching for the baby and pull him to sit down "LET GO OF ME YOU STUPID FUCK." Jimin said now hitting my chest which I can tell is more gentle seeing how hurt Jungkook is " Jimin calm down please talk to me bubs please I'm begging you." I guess seeing the tears in my eyes triggered something in him to calm him down. He was quite for a while until he bursted out crying " I'm sorry Jungkook I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you like that please forgive me." Jimin said full on balling his eyes out Jungkook walked over holding his face and kneeled down in front of Jimin " it's ok jimin-ssi it's my fault can you forgive me please." Jungkook was now hugging Jimin rubbing his hand on is tummy "I'm sorry little jungwonnie forgive uncle please I'm so sorry for stressing your papa out." it felt good seeing how Jungkook took care of the both of them like that but it made me sad that should be me holding them both like that I fucked up bad. Spacing out I feel someone staring at me then I realized Jungkook had left the room and left me and Jimin alone I guess it time to talk.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while I'm so busy with school ya gurl trying to graduate but I'm going to try and post more I'm kinda brain dead so I hope you like this chapter I know I suck<33.

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