part 36

366 15 1

Jimin's pov

Sitting on the couch crying I hug yoongi we talked about everything and I feel so bad about not telling him it was selfish of me not to now cuddling on the couch yoongi looked at me "jungwonnie huh?" He said rubbing my belly it felt different from when the others do it and I like it a lot " well it's Jungwon min Jungwon." (Sorry if it sounds weird) I looked at yoongi and he looked shocked "what" I said looking into his eyes " my surname but." I smile at him "even if you weren't going to be here I still want him to be apart of you in some way he's still your son either way" I said looking away getting shy "tho the others hated the idea of it I still think it's the most I could do."

yoongi now smiling started giving me kisses all over my face and belly " Jimin I made you food so you can feed my baby have you been resting yourself because I told yo-." Jin said as he walked in now with an angry shocked face as he see's yoongi " what THE FUCK is his bitch ass doing here." Jin said walking closer glaring at yoongi (sorry love you<33) " ouch that hurts why a bitch" yoongi said keeping cool knowing if he had to get anyones permission it's jin's " shut up you know why I don't fucking like you" Jin said while yoongi acted like he was zipping his mouth.

" eomma your home~." I said looking at him smiling "what's with your mood" Jin said kneeling down smacking yoongi's hand off my belly to put his there "hey little wonnie how are you today" Jin said sweetly I could feel the baby moving around getting excited "now tell me what the fuck is he doing here" "well Jungkook brought him here-" "jeon Jungkook bring your ass right now!!" Jin yelled at the top of his lungs "oh shit" we all could hear Jungkook say from the top of the stairs. "What did he do no-" taehyung said coming down the stairs "umm guys I don't know if you had noticed but there like a filthy dog sitting next to Jimin and I would kindly like it out" he said in the most calmest voice which scares the living hell out of all of us.

"wait everyone calm down Jungkook brought him here to talk in which we did and all is forgiven it was all in my imagination" I said smiling looking at everyone.

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