Chapter 6

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It was 5:30 here, I m starting to get hungry. I walk downstairs and grabs my bags that I left at the front door earlier when I arrived and brought them upstairs.
I unpack my panties, bras and the few socks I have Into the cherrywood set of draws. I unpack the rest of my clothes hanging them up neatly, and folding them neatly. I strip my bed down and out the sheets in the wash, I have no washing liquid yet but I guess a quick wash will do.
I was upstairs fixing my room and the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs more energetic than normal and looked through the keyhole to see a lady standing there with her hands on her hips, clearly waiting impatiently.
I open the door and smile awkwardly.
"Hi I'm Jessie, Jessie Evans"
"Hi Jessie, it is a pleasure to meet you"
"Same. And your name is.."
"Oh I am Katherine, Katherine Lighthowel"
I greet her with a hug and she stand there awkwardly.
"Poor dear, you just moved in here with no food and no nothing. How about I take you to my place and you can have some dinner I prepared earlier?"
I don't really take offers from strangers but she seems nice enough, and I'm pretty sure she is my neighbour.
"Hum sure thing just let me get my stuff and I'll be right over, oh and thankyou" I add before she walks her rich, snobby ass away.

I decide to wear something nice because I can imagine all the kids in that house wearing a shirt and khakis and having great posture. rrrrr I moved here to get away from people like this.

I slid on a light orange dress that finished above my knees, I put on a pair of wedges. I brushed over my wavy hair and sprayed anti-frizz spray on it. I grabbed my phone and made my way to the front door, I made sure I wouldn't forget the key so I put it in my bra. I locked the door behind me and walk out of my drive way and made my way towards next hoping it was the right neighbour. I walked up a long driveway, this house was nice and big also.
I knocked praying it wasn't some weirdo who opened the door. But to my luck the same lady answered the door.
"Mrs Lighthowel, nice to see you again"
"And same to you Jessie" I notice her say with a slightly polite tone.
I walk inside and I am in shock, this house Is was nicer than mine.
I walk into the kitchen with Katherine and watch her prepare, a man walked in who looked around 50.
"This is my boyfriend, Mr Gilinsky. We are getting married in 2 months so I can finally be a Gilinksy"
"Hi Mr Gilinsky, pleasure to meet you."
"Please, please call me David" he insisted.

I nod in assurance and follow them both to the dinner table.

"DINNER IS READY" Katherine yells which surprises me.
I walk over and sit in a spot hoping this is no ones spot. But of course my luck is a bitch and 2 boys walk downstairs. One looks around 7-8 and the other looks around 10-12.

"Mooooom why is that girl in my seat" the smaller boy asked Katherine.
"Oh I'm sorry I'll move for you" I say pissed off but sounding nice.
"No please Miss Evan stay there, I'm sure it wouldn't kill Josh to sit somewhere else for tonight" she says making eye contact with me and then over to Josh motioning him to sit somewhere else. I just stay silent and sit back down.
During dinner the other boy doesn't talk and I don't even catch his name. As soon as he finishes dinner he gets up and ran upstairs. Katherine and David didn't seem to mind. She made a beautiful pasta that made me feel full instantly.

After we all finished our meals I assisted Katherine in the kitchen. We both cleaned the dishes and there was small chats. I was to nervous to ask about that boy who didn't talk, I only just met her.
After washing up she invites me to stay for dessert since it is a Friday night. I accept her offer and sat down in the lounge with David and Katherine, it was quite awkward but I managed to live before dessert was served.
Katherine bought and apple pie and cream to the table. I don't really like apple pie but I will still eat it if I have to, so I ate a small piece. Only Josh came downstairs for Pie. I don't think that Katherine is josh and the other boys mom, just a step mom.

"Thankyou so much for the pasta and the pie" I thank them both and they accept my thanks. I head towards the front door to leave as Mr Gilinsky walks me out the door opens before I can open it myself.
A man that looked about 18-19 walked inside clearly hoping no one was awake. Busted.

"Jack why were you out so late" his dad says in an annoyed tone. This guy looks familiar. It hit me, wait this can't be. His name is Jack and his dad's last name is Gilinksy.

"Uhhhhh, uhm I have an assignment due next week and I was working on it with Jack" he was lying, it was too obvious to me. Jack shifts his eyes away from his Father straight towards mine, he was looking at me like I was some goddess or something, I'm not.
"Hi I'm jack, are you like the new neighbour or something?" He is way hotter in person than the images online.
I stared at him for a solid minute before he snapped me out of my thoughts by saying hello multiple times.

"Uhm yea uhm my names Evans"
"Um I mean Jessie, Jessie Evans" before I could continue to keep talking, his dad said bye to me and dragged jack upstairs, on his way upstairs Jack gave me a look as if to say, I know you.
I walked out of their 'perfect house' and walked slowly towards my house. What a night.

I unlocked the front door and tossed my keys into the bowl in the hallway, I took of my wedges and placed them beside the front door.
I walked up the stairs skipping every second and made my way through my bedroom door. I slipped off my dress and threw on a random band tshirt, I didn't bother putting my pants on because I'm the only one here. I slip into my freshly washed sheets and as soon as I get comfortable I fell straight to sleep.

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